@$$hole: Guest Strip Week #2 - Jeremy Galemberti -:- Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jeremy was one of the first people I thought of to be a part of my latest GUEST STRIP WEEK, not because of his illustration abilities, but because he's so creative and funny.  His talent lies in another area outside of illustration:  he's a music genius.  He's also the inspiration for my high school superhero, G-Man: The Defender of Food.

I first met Jeremy in elementary school, where I convinced him that I was a ninja that fought crime in the streets of Ann Arbor - I was looking for a sidekick.  After that, he quickly joined the tag team at recess (we played Turtle Tag, a game invented by Kevin and myself).  We've been close friends ever since. 

Jeremy has been making music in his folk's basement since high school - and not just any music, but GOOD music.  You can listen to some of his latest work on his website.  He also wrote the theme song for my T-Man character, which you can listen to here

Jeremy comes from an Italian family, and has a unique appreciation for food.  Even though he knows what tastes good, he'll eat just about anything.  His mother is an amazing cook, and his father owned a bakery in downtown Saline until retiring very recently.  For as long as I can remember, Jeremy has been getting up at 3am to make pretzels at that bakery.  It's a great place to visit, if you ever get the chance. 

Jeremy's interests include studying culture and philosophy, and he's learning programming language right now.  In middle school and high school, we used to make movies for SCTN (local cable channel for Saline) and for our own personal libraries.  One of the first was a flick called "Dr. Shnitzel," who eventually became a character in G-Man.  A sequel was written, but we never finished filming it.  We also did a history video for our high school class, which was over 30 minutes long (for a class project that was supposed to be like 10 minutes long - suffice it to say, we got an A).  I still have both of these movies on VHS at home, and they're a fun time to watch. 

In any case, enjoy Jeremy's contribution to GUEST STRIP WEEK.  Tomorrow is a strip by Laura, Thursday is Erin, and then Friday is the next story arc for @$$hole! 


PS:  My connection sucks here, as this is the fourth time I've written this.  That shows just how dedicated I am to pimping your work, G!


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