@$$hole has officially hit
strip #25! Although it's technically strip #57, it's only the 25th strip since I started putting the title on the page. I feel like celebrating - maybe I'll start working on some more comics, so you can enjoy even more of the story....
...or maybe I'll take a break, and go watch a movie. :P
So, Trevor is still very convinced that he's dreaming and that he's going to score (and who knows, maybe he will), however #69 has other plans. She's taking him to go see #2, who may be able to answer some of our heroes questions. However, fans of the TV series will know that #2 usually creates more questions, so we shall see what happens.
So, I was working through the scripts last night, and I realized that this story (as currently written) is running a little long. I'm writing page 15 for this story already, with the end not in sight - so I'm going to try to refine it a bit. Shrink it down. Maybe make it more funny. Who knows. However, I finally showed some pages to Laura over the weekend (since I had to borrow her scanner), and she started cracking up at some of the stuff. I'm excited about it. You'll just have to wait a see....
Next week I will have another
Exile 3 page go live (2 in a row, actually), and there's always a new @$$hole on Fridays. Until then, my friend!