Well, I wasn't able to post about it yesterday (I've been so busy lately), but the new
Exile 3: Serpentine page went up on Monday (right after Wizard World Chicago)! Be sure to check it out on their
website, and post about it on the

Things are heating up in this story, as Moby has attacked the King of the Cosmos and transformed him into a portal that leads to another world. From that portal, he is acquiring god-like powers and abilities, and a new form! Meanwhile, Gideon and Emma are trying to figure out a way to stop him from whatever plan he may have up his sleeve.
But what of Clistro and Wally, sitting on top of the mountain not firing their cannon? No worries, we haven't forgotten about them - it'll just take a little time to get to their story. I get to illustrate that as my next page, which should be coming out around September 3 and 10 respectively (I just can't stop breaking the rules about doing Exile in sequential order - someone else is supposed to go between my strips, at least).
There are still a few openings in the schedule, if anyone would like to contribute. Just go to the Exile forums and sign up (it's free), and ask Scott for the date that you want. Exile 3's ending has been scripted, but Exile 4 will return to an "every person for themselves" mentality. Should be tons of fun!
Anyway, I'm off to work on some more stuff. I'm gonna try to get Wizard World pictures up soon to share the events of the weekend. Keep a look out for my announcement of the con coverage.