Only minus a few people, this Movie Night started a little later than usual - in fact, I was getting a little nervous about anyone showing up at all. As the time got closer to 10pm, and I continued to watch the last two episodes of Alias, Justin finally arrived - quickly followed by just about everyone else.
Thankfully, it was still an enjoyable night.

Movie Night #59: The Incredibles (2004)
Director: Brad Bird
Plot: The golden age of superheroes has come to an end, as the government has put them all into protective hiding programs to stop the citizens that they once protected from filing lawsuits against them. Mr. Incredible, once one of the most popular superheroes, has settled down with Elasti-Girl and have started a family, but neither of them are truely happy. Between living a mediocre life in suburbia and working a boring job, Mr. Incredible finds himself wanting to relive the glory days of being a superhero.
Then he receives a mysterious package from someone who calls herself Mirage, and she sends him on a secret mission to defeat a robot that has escaped on a tropical island. Suddenly, Mr. Incredible's life is coming back into focus - he's working out, he's enjoying life, he has a purpose again. But when a secret from Mr. Incredible's past threatens his family, the Incredibles must ban together and use their powers to once again save the world!
This movie was nothing short of INCREDIBLE. Even the very first trailers for it were hilarious (Mr. Incredible tries to put on his old superhero suit, and can't get the belt to fit because he's too fat). The movie is both charming and entertaining, made for audiences of all ages. A good mixture of comedy, character, and action. This movie had some controversey attached to it, being PIXAR's first PG movie and written / directed by someone outside of PIXAR. However, it is - in my opinion - their best flick to date.
I'm hoping for a sequel somewhere down the road. If you haven't seen it or haven't bought it, you should. This movie's good for all ages, and fun to watch over and over again.