Movie Night #59: The Incredibles -:-
Monday, July 30, 2007
Only minus a few people, this Movie Night started a little later than usual - in fact, I was getting a little nervous about anyone showing up at all. As the time got closer to 10pm, and I continued to watch the last two episodes of Alias, Justin finally arrived - quickly followed by just about everyone else. Thankfully, it was still an enjoyable night.  Movie Night #59: The Incredibles (2004) Director: Brad Bird Plot: The golden age of superheroes has come to an end, as the government has put them all into protective hiding programs to stop the citizens that they once protected from filing lawsuits against them. Mr. Incredible, once one of the most popular superheroes, has settled down with Elasti-Girl and have started a family, but neither of them are truely happy. Between living a mediocre life in suburbia and working a boring job, Mr. Incredible finds himself wanting to relive the glory days of being a superhero.
Then he receives a mysterious package from someone who calls herself Mirage, and she sends him on a secret mission to defeat a robot that has escaped on a tropical island. Suddenly, Mr. Incredible's life is coming back into focus - he's working out, he's enjoying life, he has a purpose again. But when a secret from Mr. Incredible's past threatens his family, the Incredibles must ban together and use their powers to once again save the world!
This movie was nothing short of INCREDIBLE. Even the very first trailers for it were hilarious (Mr. Incredible tries to put on his old superhero suit, and can't get the belt to fit because he's too fat). The movie is both charming and entertaining, made for audiences of all ages. A good mixture of comedy, character, and action. This movie had some controversey attached to it, being PIXAR's first PG movie and written / directed by someone outside of PIXAR. However, it is - in my opinion - their best flick to date.
I'm hoping for a sequel somewhere down the road. If you haven't seen it or haven't bought it, you should. This movie's good for all ages, and fun to watch over and over again.
@$$hole #21: About Power -:-
Well, I threw this page together - which, although it looks kind of crappy, is very necessary to explaining where the story is going from here. Also, it explains why Susie " powered down" when she came to attack me earlier.  Charlie has just established himself as a villian. Also, as he's gaining power by you reading the comic (yeah, I know how to reward someone for readin, right :P) and by Susie noticing him, he's becoming more tangible. Perhaps a little easier to see. Perhaps...inked. Friday's comic will show a little more of what he can do, which will be a cliffhanger issue, lead into guest strip week, and then start off with a new story arc the following Friday. I'm a little nervous, as I was scanning in G-Man comics over the weekend, and my scanner stopped working. I'm hoping that the humidity just over heated it (it's an old scanner), and by shutting the computer down and unplugging / replugging everything scanner-related, it will fix itself. However, it's also possible that the bulb blew out, in which case I need a new scanner. The good news in all this is that I have the next 3 @$$hole strips already scanned in. The bad news is, I don't want to cough up the money to buy a new scanner right now.... Exile 3 had a new page go up today (Monday), done by Scott. Exile 3's ending has been scripted, and most of the pages have been claimed already - but if you're interested in helping out, there are still a few openings available. Also, there's an Exile 4 around the corner. Plenty of time to participate, if you so desire. In any case, that's about it for now. Sorry the post is so late, but I've had quite a difficult / jam-packed weekend, and still plenty to do this week. No worries though, as @$$hole has been updating on time and will continue to do so for at least the first year (my goal to myself) at least. Here's hoping this scanner issue doesn't set me back a bit, though.... T
@$$hole Updates -:-
Thursday, July 26, 2007
So, I'm an idiot. I have a comic done for tomorrow, Friday, but it's not the right comic. See, I told everyone that's participating in Guest Strip Week (Shane, Laura, Erin, Jeremy, Kevin) that they were due to me August 1, with the intention that they would go live the following week. I would premiere a cliff-hanger comic on that Friday (August 3). However, I miscalculated - I have the cliffhanger comic queued up for tomorrow. Truthfully, this is a great opportunity for me. It allows me to make a comic that connects the current story with the cliffhanger, and explain some character motivation a bit. The issue here is time. Can I get a comic done in 4 hours and post it with storms all night? Only time can tell. Suffice it to say, I can't comment on the quality of the comic that goes up tomorrow. It might be just as bad as the first Fantastic Four 2 comic I did. Hopefully not, but we shall see. In any case, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's reaction to the cliffhanger, which is kind of shocking more so than funny. But it leads into several pages of pure comedy gold - well, for me anyway. I guess for those of you unfamiliar with a certain 1958 British television series, you may not get all of the jokes. We'll see. T
Movie Night #58: Man on Fire -:-
Monday, July 23, 2007
Trying to recall everything that happened this weekend is like trying to count the number of times a humming bird flaps its wings. After all the work I did this last week on my project at work (almost half way done with part of it), I was so tired that I almost fell asleep during Movie Night. Ultimately, we started later than usual, and had a smaller group than normal (several people were doing art fair related activities, or standing in line for a certain four-eyed wizard's final book). Suffice it to say, after the flick was over, Laura was already passed out on the floor and I was well on my way.  Movie Night #58: Man on Fire (2004) Director: Tony Scott Cast: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Marc Anthony, Christopher Walken, Micky Rourke Plot: Creasy (Washington) is an ex-assassin and alcoholic who visits his friend Rayburn (Walken) down in Mexico City, where kidnappings occur every 60 minutes. He is hired as a bodyguard for Pita (Fanning), despite his alcoholism - this makes him less expensive. However, when Pita is kidnapped by corrupt police officers and Creasy is severely wounded, he must go to war with the secret organization known only as La Hermandad and attempt to get vengence for what they've done to Pita. But as questions arise around the kidnapping itself, could it be that this was somehow stagged for someone's larger agenda? This is the movie The Punisher should have been. With two very powerful Acts - Act 1 focusing on the relationship and bond between Creasy and Pita, and Act 2 focusing on Creasy seeking revenge - this movie is an emotional rollercoaster that defines both Tony Scott and Denzel Washington's careers as brilliant in their respective craft. ### A new Exile page went up today, illustrated by Carl. Looks brilliant. I just finished a bunch of comic stuff over the weekend, starting the new story for @$$hole and finishing another Exile page myself. Laura and I went to Art Fair for a few hours, saw some amazing stuff, and then went back to my place so I could work on comics. All in all, a good (but busy) weekend. This weekend: Saturday: I'm helping Megan move into her new apartment in Ohio Sunday: Cedar Point. We need to figure out car pooling arrangements and where to meet, and obviously everyone will be helping with gas. I'm thinking we'll need to leave by 8am to get to Sandusky at a reasonable time. More details on that soon.
@$$hole # 19-20, Exile 3 #33, and General Updates -:-
Friday, July 20, 2007
You may have noticed my uncharacteristic silence over the past week or so, and it's not because I haven't been doing things - quite the opposite, actually. I've been tasked to do a HUGE project at work, and it's taking up a lot of time both at work and at home. Despite my lack of announcements, however, pages have been going up and new content is available. @$$hole 19 has Susie living out her lifestyile from the American flicks - and basically, I'm poking fun at Hollywood for ever having a ghost couch potato. What a lame concept. Someone had to have been high and sitting around their apartment, trying to come up with a "scarey" concept for The Ring 2 that had nothing to do with the source material, and just wrote down what they were doing: sitting on their ass. At the time, I'm sure it was terrifying to them - I'm also sure that they thought the police were going to knock down their door at any second. Seriously, don't ever watch The Ring 2. Ringu 2, however, is definately worth your time.  @$$hole 20 is setting up the cliffhanger before guest strip week. It's also the first time using my new Micron pens (thanks for the info, Scott). I've only previously inked Project: October, and I think I'm going to try to continue using these pens on this strip - they're a lot of fun to use, and the work looks better. More finished. Also, I tried to show more background in this page - showing off my apartment a bit more. Nevermind the fact that where Susie's sitting in panel 3 is where my futon is one will ever know that. ;P  Exile 3: Serpentine relaunched on Monday with Page 33, illustrated by the very talented Trevor...wait, that's me. I'm talented. Updates will continue on Mondays until the story's finally finished, which I'm told will be sometime in November. This is the most ambitious ending the Exile team has ever attempted, as all the pages are scripted and require the artists to adhere to them pretty strickly, lest they screw up the next person's page. I've already started some of mine in advance, in anticipation of not having a lot of time between now and the conclusion of my work project (which will be sometime in August). If you'd like to be a part of the Exile comics, mosey on over to the forums and sign yourself up - it's free, it's fun, and Exile 4 promises to be a blast! I'm also told that there's an Exile Comics MySpace in the works.... So I went over to Laura's last night, her parents being out of town and her offering to cook me dinner - and what a great time we had! She made a magnificent feast of roasted chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and cream corn. Then we watched a horrible movie - Sublime. Now I remember why I try to stay away from direct-to-video movies, especially horror movies. We eventually ignored it, and went off to do other things. The night was exactly what I needed after a week of stressing out over this project. The MySpace Comment War is still going on, I just haven't had any time to attack anyone recently - like Jon, and Pogues...and whoever else I need to get back at. Also, I saw Transformers on Tuesday. I won't go into details here (wait for when I have time to write a full review), but I think I'm the only person I know who absolutely hated it. It was worse than I thought it was going to be - but I think that's because I started buying into everyone's hype about how it wasn't as bad as they thought it was going to be. Sure, the special effects were impressive, but the 7 year-old inspired story and the blatant attacks at the classic characters throughout the movie made be pissed off. Also, there were too many characters - too much going on, and no one thing focused on. The movie suffers from pacing issues throughout, character motivations that make no sense, and a plot that someone's kid wrote. The fight scenes that everyone said were the redeeming quality of the flick were - I thought - on par in the "boring" department with The Matrix 2. Also, Devistator is what the Constructicons turn into when they all combine - not some tank Transformer. But enough about that for now. I'm back to work on my project (and trying to get next week's @$$hole comic done on time). Movie Night tonight, and a weekend of working my ass off on my "fun projects" (like comics). However, there's also art fair this weekend. 20% off coupons at the Vault, and the fact that some of my friends from Necto will be selling original art out of the club require me to make an appearance downtown...and buy stuff. T
Movie Night #57: Ringu 2 -:-
Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday the 13th was just begging for a horror movie, perhaps one with an antagonist sporting a hockey mask and killing camp counselers, but sadly the only one of those flicks worth owning is the first one - and I don't own any of them. Therefore, with Laura being our resident horror movie lover, I let her pick the flick.  Movie Night #57: Ringu 2 (1999) Director: Hideo Nakata Cast: Miki Nakatani, Hitomi Sato, Kyoko Fukada Plot: Sadako's terror continues to haunt those who watch her video. Whoever watches the VHS tape receives a phone call, informing them that they will die in 7 days. After uncovering her body in the first movie, and then disappearing after the death of her ex-husband, the ex-husbands assistant is trying to put the pieces together. When she arrives at the mental hospital housing a girl that witnessed the horrific event happening to her best friend (first scene in the first flick), she realizes that the psychic imprint of Sadako is permanently stamped on this girls mind. With psychic powers of her own, the assistant begins to follow the clues to figure out what happened to the mother and her son from the first movie. Meanwhile, the doctors who have the body conducted a autopsy on it, and discovered that the body in the well isn't that of a little girl - in fact, the body only died 2 years ago.... I saw the Second American "The Ring" movie, and was so disappointed that I had almost no desire to see the original flick that it was based on - and I could not have been more wrong. In fact, I should have reversed that reaction completely. The Ring was a good remake, but the original was also very good. The American sequel sucked (I'll spoil it for you: Summara possess Naomi Watts little boy so that she can watch TV all day and night - she becomes a couch potato, and for some reason we're supposed to find this scarey), but the Japanese sequel was spot-on. The original characters aren't even in the first half of it, and most of them die off during the course. I was so impacted by this flick, I decided to make Sadako a returning character on my comic, @$$hole - in fact, she becomes my roommate and changes her name to Susie. After Ringu 2 was over, we started watching the first 20 minutes or so on Star Trek: Nemesis - but it was late, and people started leaving, so I shut it off and went to bed. Next week, another fun Movie Night - which may even have a theme...not sure yet, but I'll post details later.
MySpace Comment War - LincM and Bats -:-
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I struck back at LincM and Bats last night, hitting them where it hurts (their comment section). LincM was first, since his post was so awful that I had to delete it:  And then I moved onto Bats. Bats likes to smoke, and I'm allergic to the ash (you may even say that it kills me, so I've decided to turn the tables):  Unfortunately, I got his hair wrong: it's dark, and he has longer side burns. Oops. Keep in mind that I have nothing against either of these groovy gents, but this is what the MySpace Comment War is all about. It's all in good fun. Next I'll strike against Jon (from Little Terrors), and then hit Pogues where it hurts the most: his Collective Comics MySpace page! Mu-ha ha!
Movie Night #56: Night Watch (and Movie Review: Day Watch) -:-
Monday, July 09, 2007
Movie Night #56 was celebrating Michelle's birthday (Gary's girl, not my roommate). She selected Ginger Snaps, Original Sin (a horrible movie, which I only own because someone pawned it off on me and I haven't had the decency to get rid of it yet), and Night Watch. Since Laura and I went to go see Day Watch not too long ago, this will give me a good opportunity to review them both.
 Movie Night #56: Night Watch (2004) Director: Timur Bekmambetov Cast: Konstantin Khab, Vladimir Menshow, Mariya Poroshina, Galina Tyunina, Aleksei Chadov, Viktor Verzhbitsky Plot: Centuries ago, there was a war between the forces of good and evil. Immortals with powers beyond that of normal people. These two groups were comprised of Others, who all must chose which side they want to be on. One day, the two groups met on a bridge and fought. The battle raged until both sides realized that neither could be the victor, and decided to create a Truce. The Light Others would police the Darkness, called the Night Watch, and the Dark Others would police the Light, called Day Watch. However, there is a prophecy that one day, an Other more powerful than the rest will come into the world, and they will have to chose a side. And their decision will upset the True forever. Enter modern-day Moscow, and Anton (Khab) hires a witch to kill his ex-girlfriend's unborn child - a child he's told is not his. However, he loses his nerve through the procedure, but is powerless to stop it. The witch is stopped by the Night Watch, who had been trailing Anton to expose her illegal activities. Anton then discovers that he is an Other, and has the ability to see the future. Twelve years later, Anton is working with the Night Watch, and has a vision of a Vortex above a woman that he sees on the subway. It is a sign of the coming apocalypse, and that the prophecy is about to come true. The Light and Dark both prepare for the coming battle - one trying to avoid it, and the other heralding its arrival. But who is this powerful Other of prophecy, and which side will they chose in the coming conflict? This movie is awesome. I saw it on a whim with Anna and Carleena back when it was at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor, and had no idea what I was watching. I didn't even really care for it until about 10 minutes into the thing, when everything got sweet. The movie grows on me the more I see it. I showed it to Laura and she was enthralled - it was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Sure, it has witches and vampires and shapechangers in it, and a pretty kick-ass character that doesn't get enough screen time until the second movie (I'm of course talking about Olga, the Light Other that was imprisioned in the form of an Owl for reasons that aren't explained until the sequel). If you like any of the things that I've talked about above, then you MUST see Night Watch. Watch it subtitled, as the subtitles in this movie are freakin' sweet. ### After the flick, Scott and I went into my room to talk shop, and I think the group watched Evil Dead. Movie Review: Day Watch (2006) Director: Timur Bekmambetov Cast: Konstantin Khab, Vladimir Menshow, Mariya Poroshina, Galina Tyunina, Aleksei Chadov, Viktor Verzhbitsky Plot: The battle between Light and Dark was not limited to the conflict on the bridge, as another battle raged on the other side of the continent over a mystical artifact called The Chalk of Fate. It is said that whoever writes with this chalk can alter their fate completely, thus changing the course of events forever.... After the events of the first movie, Anton (Khab) has been charged with training Sveta (Poroshina) as a Light Other - Sveta being the polar opposite of Yegor. It is said that the meeting of these two will result in a breaking of the Truce, something that the Day Watch greatly wants to have happen, and the Night Watch desperately wants to avoid. However, when Anton is accused of a murder that he didn't commit by the Day Watch, it is up to him to clear his name and locate the Chalk of Fate, to set the things write that went wrong so long ago. I thought that I enjoyed the first movie, but I LOVED the second flick. The budget seemed to quadruple, and the movie benefited from it so much. The trailer had been shaking in my boots, loving every single visual to grace my little LCD screen. When it comes out, I will be buying this movie - whatever the price, it's worth it. Not only are minor characters from the first flick expanded on here, but the story overall is improved upon. Even the main character have much more depth to them after this movie, and the sacrifice at the end was jaw-dropping. The entire ending sequence is something to behold, as it's not a typical "conflict" that Hollywood would have us accept - but instead, it all takes place at a birthday party in a hotel. However, the ending was so satisfying, I'm curious to see how they can finish off the trilogy. That's right. There's going to be a third flick, called "Twilight Watch" (could aso change to "Dusk Watch"), with the same director, writer, cast and everything. I've met someone who's read the books that these movies were based on, and he just rants and raves about them - which means, I may have to give them a shot. Don't rent it, BUY IT when it comes out on DVD. Day Watch is everything that a sequel should be, and then some.
Collective Comics -:-
Friday, July 06, 2007
 As I've been talking about for the MySpace Comment War, Pogues and I have been doing some planning and scheming on his fine website. You should all check it out, join the forums, and contribute / participate. Also, check out his comics on a weekly basis. Rose City updates on Wednesday, and Putt-Hutt on Fridays. Good reads.
@$$hole #18: Two Hours.... -:-
Well, I lost track of the time and find myself at the end of my first story arch...without a cliffhanger. Oops. Oh well, no biggie. I do have more stories with Susie up my sleeve, but I fear that people may be getting sick of seeing her. I still think she's funny, though, but I was going to put some buffer comics between the last few strips and the ones that went up this week. I ran out of time to get them done, unfortunately, so you'll just have to endure the next 3 strips about her. Then comes another guest strip week!  This was actually one of the first pages that I wrote for Susie, because I thought someone else calling her in a threatening way was funny. Role reversal, I believe it's called. I have some funny stuff planned for her character, but it may take some time to build into. I have to work on the next story arch first, so there'll be some good padding between the next few times you see her. Everything I've been doing here has been introducing characters and concepts that will come into play later on. Hopefully you'll all enjoy them as much as I do. Exile 3 is still in the works. Scott and I are waiting on a page from Carl (which he tells me is illustrated, and just needs coloring), and then Scott will work on his page, and I can spit my second one out and we can get this thing started. I also worked on another MySpace Comment War for Joe Dunn, which I plan to post on his MySpace comments (duh). Here's the strip:  I think it's funny. I already have one planned out for Tom, and I'll probably work on that this weekend. I just hope I don't alienate these guys before I finally get to meet them in person at Wizard World Chicago this year (my first Wizard World con). The con is August 9-12, but Scott and I are only attending on that Saturday. We'll be in town all weekend, though, for anyone in the area that might be interested in going out drinking with us - possibly rubbing elbows with some famous comic artists and writers. In other news, I've decided that Battlestar Galactica (the new series) has to be some of the best writing on television right now. Many of their plot points are conveniently tied up in a nice neat package, but we'll overlook that for the stellar cliffhangers. I just finished season 2 on DVD last night, and I can't wait for season 3 to get released. What an addictive show. My folks are borrowing season 1 from me right now, and they're hooked too. Eventually, I'll have to introduce Laura to this show, so she can share in my addiction. Well, that's about it from my camp this week. I hope everyone had a great 4th, and be sure to check out @$$hole next Friday for some more new content. T
A Rant About Hollywood Remakes -:-
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Alright, everyone that talks to me on a regular basis knows that I like movies, and I'm a sucker for my classic 80s animated shows that I grew up on as a kid. I would love to see a revitalization of some of those properties in film, or a new series, but unfortunately Hollywood seems to only know how to reinvision them. They've been doing this for years, and failing miserably. This was encouraging to me, as I thought that maybe they would learn a thing or two and eventually switch up the formula or give up. Sadly, since Transformers will soon be the #1 movie in the country, this will not be the case. Like Godzilla, I know that I would enjoy Transformers more if they had simply changed the title. I mean, there hasn't been a movie about giant robots kicking the crap out of each other since Robot Jox. And like Godzilla, I would love to see a big budget version of my favorite robots in disguise...but, I want it to stay true to the source material. I don't want the character to be indistinguishable and unidentifiable from each other, and I don't want to be confused by their motivations (what the fuck is the AllSpark? They never talked about that in the G1 Transformers...and it makes me sad that I have to refer to it as "G1"). I don't want Starscream to look like a monky, I don't want Bumblebee to be a Comero, and I don't want Optimus to be a blue truck with red flames (could you combine Optimus and Rodimus any more, people?) And I simply hate their designs. I won't go into more detail here, but reinvisioning classic properties isn't something that gets me excited enough to cough up the dough to go see them destroy my childhood on the big screen. Apparenlty, some people feel the same way as I do. The Penny Arcade gang posted this comic today, and it sums up how I feel pretty well: Now, I had a good chuckle at this comic, and moved on. However, I was taken aback when I visited my faovrite forums, and discovered that they were making yet another property that has no business being redone:  "Here comes trouble," indeed. All I could think of when I saw this poster was a flash video I had seen years previous, where the chipmunks make their comeback through rap music.... Funny to watch at the time, disturbing to discover upon the announcement of their featur-length live-action movie. And yes, to answer your question, that is Jason Lee as Dave.... I've always said it, but I'll say it some more: Hollywood is officially retarded.
Another Night without Necto (and Exile 3 Updates) -:-
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
My allergies kicked in full-force last night, and I have been miserable ever since. I had thought that I was coming down with something over the weekend, due to lack of sleep and increased stress, but apparently that is not the case - it was allergies. Sorry to everyone who called me last night and invited me out to the club - I would have loved to hang out with you guys, but I had enough problems breathing in my smoke-free apartment, and cringe to think what I may feel like today had I gone out last night. Also, I was able to get some productive work done instead of going out, so I feel pretty accomplished.  As promised, the next Exile 3 teaser poster is finished and placed in my Sketches section. I don't think I'm going to do the final poster idea, since I hate all of the designs that I've been working on for it. It was going to be the King of the Cosmos being destroyed, and the headline would read "A King Will Fall." Truthfully, I think the quality of the posters has gradually decreased by each one that I've done - but since the original one was going to be the only one, I don't see the harm in flexing some of my artistic muscles and playing a bit. Keep it a secret, but the Exile 3 page that I was working on (which kicks off the start of the series - I always seem to be kicking off the series again after a hiatus) is already posted. I'll link to it later, but it exists somewhere on the internet already - which had to happen, so Carl and Scott could work on their pages. I'm going to be working on page #37 next, but wanted to see their designs for the preceeding pages first. Once all the pages are done, they'll go live on the Exile site, so check them out. In the meantime, I'm going to try to fight off these allergies so I can have an enjoyable 4th of July - instead of blowing my nose every 3 seconds, like I'm doing right now. Gross. New @$$hole on Friday. Be sure to check it out. T
@$$hole #17: Oil Piracy -:-
Monday, July 02, 2007
So, despite the fact that I was out of the state on Friday, the new @$$hole strip did go live on time. Since I was out of town, however, I was unable to promote it.  Gas prices have been going up steadily for quite some time, and it always pisses people off - yet they do nothing about it, and they continue to rise. The truth of the matter is, we will eventually run out of petrolium and fossil fuels, because they are a limited resource. People say that hybred cars help, and I'm sure there's some truth to that, but they're not solving the problem - they're only prolonging the inevitable. "Why don't we just switch over to an alternative," you ask. Well, the answer is simple, and it involves this thing we call an economy. Whenever you think about gas, you think about your car, and maybe gas stations. But you problem don't think about the people who made the barrels that the gas was shipped in, much less the people surveying for the gas (I believe they're called "geologists"), the people mining the petrol, the people shipping the petrol over seas and on trucks. There are so many jobs and so much industry tied into this limited resource, I don't think our economy could function if we stopped using it tomorrow - the change would have to take time, unfortunately. Back to the topic at hand: the comic. I remember a time when I first started driving (back in the 90s) when gas went up to 89 cents per gallon. "Outragious!" I screamed. "No one will stand for this!" Years later, it sky-rocketted passed a dollar. "Horseshit!" I ranted. "People will surely boycott this kind of action soon!" Now we live in an age where gas costs almost $4 a gallon (over a 400% increase in just under a decade), and the price isn't going back down. We are thankful when we find it for under $3, and thank our lucky stars. Well, I'm still of the mindset of "Horseshit! Where's my 89 cents?" Better yet, where's my alternative? Although it's not technically a monopoly (since there are different oil companies), there isn't really an alternative mode of transportation available for traveling long distances that doesn't involve fossil fuel consumption in some way. And no one seems to be batting an eye about it. Another interesting point is that despite the "increased cost of petrol-related industry," the oil industry has reported record-breaking profits every year for the last 8 fact, ever since Bush got elected into office. Coincidence? I mean, he did bankrupt 2 oil companies in Texas before following in his father's footsteps and starting another war over...oil? Hmmmmmmmm..... But I digress, this joke was made to be multi-layered, and also pokes fun at my (least) favorite industry, Hollywood. The entertainment industry has, in my opinion, lost touch with what their audience wants to see - referring back to formulas and focus groups to write a movie for them, to maximize butts in seats (ie: profits). Hollywood is a business, and they have to make money. Unfortunately, they blame their lack of money-making on piracy, and sue any and everyone out there trying to get their hands on entertainment that they may not be able to get at (or, like in my case, be willing to pay for). I am a strong advocate of "support what you like," with the idea that more of it will get made. I encourage everyone I meet to do this. If you don't like it, then don't pay for it - but understand that you may not be able to keep it, consume it, view it, or experience it. However, I digress. I believe that since Hollywood has lost touch with their audience, and they blame them for their financial troubles (oh boo-hoo, no yaht this year for me), they have furthered the rift between them. They say that it's all the fault of piracy, but that's not true. Sometimes, since I don't want to support something, I'll wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it. It's cheaper, and I don't have to put up with those rude idiots that believe that the theater is their living room (hint: it's not, so shut the hell up). It's comfortable and less expensive to view a movie in my home than it is in the theater, and often I enjoy the experience more. Increased movie ticket admission prices, increased quality of home-theater entertainment systems, decreased costs of owning a quality entertainment system - these should be included in your equations, Hollywood. ... Sorry for the rant, I'm all over the place today. In summary, gas and movie prices are too high, so I made fun of them. Originally, the guy with the beard was going to say something much more nasty than what he ended up saying, but I censored myself because some people from work read this comic - and I would hate to offend them. If you want to know what he was going to say, send me an e-mail and I'll let you know - just know that you've been warned, so don't be offended when you find out. New Exile 3 stuff in the works, and I have guest strips coming up soon. Guest strips are due in to me on August 1, and Kevin has already turned his in. I am still waiting on Erin, Laura, Shane, and Jeremy (you have plenty of time, guys and gals). Until next week, enjoy this comic! T
Movie Night #55: Pump Up the Volume -:-
Friday was an absolutely crazy day, as I returned from North Carolina around 6pm, went out to dinner with the family, and made it back to the apartment around 9pm. Thankfully, people were calling to confirm Movie Night, and I was able to tell them to "come late." This gave me some time to shower and relax a bit, after my crazy 18 hour trip and long week of work. However, the night did not go exactly as expected (more on that later). I made an executive decision to watch a movie I've been pushing for a while now, and no one seems to have seen (much less heard of) - as I was in a social rebellion kind of mood. And if you want to watch a movie with a lot of good quotes in it, then check out - Movie Night #55: Pump Up the Volume (1990) Director: Allan Moyle Cast: Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis Plot: Mark Hunter (Slater) has just moved from New York to Arizona, and switching schools can be hard for any high schooler. However, to deal with his change in environment, he decides to start a pirate radio show called "Happy Hary Hard-on" and make fun of his new school and environment. However, when one of his listeners writes in and asks for advice about whether or not he should commit suicide, Mark's put in a not-so-comfortable situation. Suddenly, the FCC is hunting him down, and the students are ralleying to his cause. Torn between the world he sees and the world he's creating, Mark must discover the courage in himself to overcome his social anxiety and lead the students against their school. In high school, I did a 3 hour presentation about censorship and the FCC, and this movie was quoted on several occasions - including clips used. If you've ever been prone to ranting and teenage rebellion, this is the movie for you. It's all about doing what's right, which isn't always what you're necessarily told is right. The parents in this movie are clueless to be comical, but it's also a social commentary about how clueless most adults can be. And how the illusion of the importance of high school can drive people - both teenagers and adults - to extreme measures. I could relate to this movie on so many levels, and although it's a bit dated by now, the message is still solid and true. See this movie. So, after Movie Night ended and everyone left (except for Lauren, who was kind enough to stay behind and help me wipe down the kitchen table for my parents, who were coming over for dinner the next night), my roommate and her 2 girlfriends brought home 3 guys from the bar (at the time, I believed that they were not random pick-ups, and had I known sooner I would have acted very differently). They were all intoxicated, but I was willing to let them crash for the night (apparently, they thought I was going to be gone all weekend, even though I expressed said that I would be gone for less than 24 hours - this was pretty disturbing to me, as you will come to see). We made sleeping arrangements, and I made my usual line about "no sex unless I get to watch," which is a comical way of saying "don't do it on my furnature." One of the girls crashed on my futon with a guy, another guy was on the futon, another girl and guy went into my roommate's room, and my roommate crashed with me. About 40 minutes after going to bed, I hear a noise from the living room and come out to discover the two on the futon having sex. This furiates me, and I go sit next to them and announce, "What was the one thing I asked you not to do tonight?" They went stiff at that point, as though by not moving it would make it like I couldn't see them anymore. "I know this is much more embarassing for you than it is for me, and apparently I was not clear the first time I said it. You've both earned a black mark in my book tonight - I can't trust you ever again. This is a blatant slap in the face - a sign of disrespect that cannot be undone. Now, put your pants on and go to bed. If I hear you again, I'm kicking you both out." They didn't make any noise after that, but I was so pissed that I couldn't sleep. My roommate's friend came out of her room about 30 minutes later, and I told her everything that happened - she at least appologized, her friend did not. I then discovered that the guys were random pick ups from the bar, and this sent me off. I had half a mind to kick the lot of the guys out right then and there, and lecture the girls about trust violations and that I'm legally responsible for everything that happens in that apartment - whether I'm in it or not. Suffice it to say, I'm still fumming and I didn't get any sleep that night. I finally confronted my roommate about it on Sunday, and like most times I have to do this, she did not seem to take it well. I can only hope that she comes to understand my fears and concerns about this issue, and know that I don't blame her for anything that happened (even if I do have to wash the blankets and sheets from the futon, because someone has poor night vision and coordination - as well as a sloppy technique). I assured her that her friends are welcome back in the apartment, and I encourage them to come over- but discourage people from "hooking up" in my apartment, especially if that means doing it on the blanket that was a gift from my girlfriend's mother. Movie Night goers know that I try to make sure it's a safe place, where people are free to walk around in the nude and not fear being harassed or judged. However, the sanctity of that had been violated by this one stranger. Although I have no qualms with the other two, I would tell this this if I ever saw them again: the company you keep is a reflection on you, and currently you keep poor company. That said, I would not mind seeing them (minus the dude I caught with his pants down) at a Movie Night or something, where I could get a chance to know them better. Also, despite what I know she's feeling towards me currently, I do not harbor any ill feelings towards my roommate or her friends. It was a bad call that had a consequence, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. And thank goodness for that. So, that was my weekend in a was yours?
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