@$$hole #15: Gold Member...or Silver, Rather -:- Thursday, June 14, 2007

If this page looks a little below my usual work in quality, that's because it is.  I threw this page together in about 2 hours, having had the idea for it about a week before Fantastic Four 2 came out to theaters, but not having the time to put together a good comic for it.  I had to replace the comic that was slated to go up on that day, and push it back a few weeks to make room for a rebuttle to how Fantastic Four does in theaters, and a commentary about our current oil prices.

Also, I did the coloring and text on my laptop, which apparently doesn't have all of the same fonts loaded as my desktop (which is what I normally use to work on my comic pages).  So sadly, you have to endure..."ariel"...ick...!

My biggest beef with this is that The Thing doesn't look like The Thing.  However, since I put about as much time into this as the idiot that decided Galactus was going to be a giant storm cloud, I feel that it does the movie justice.  I'm sick of movies being made that take from excellent source material, and then butcher them.  The Fantastic Four movie was apparently based on the Ultimate Fantastic Four comic line, which does change up the mythology of the characters a bit, but I'm sorry...Dr. Doom was a pansy and completely uninteresting in that movie.  It had no drama, no spectacular scenes, and the only performance worth watching was Michael Chiklis through about a foot of rubber and paint.  Suffice it to say, I don't expect the sequel to be any better.

This comic was inspired by a rumor that I heard about the original teaser trailer for the movie.  Apparently, Silver Surfer was "accidently" made to be anatomically correct.  IE:  He had a little silver penis. 

After hearing this, I started reading the latest issue of Wizard (which was talking about the latest comic movies, and was looking at some of the production design elements from the new F4 movie), and noticed that (other than Jessica Alba's very tan skin, overtly blonde hair, horrible blue contact lenses, and lack of acting ability) everyone's cod piece was jutting out from their tights.  I mean, very noticeably.  I remember people complaining about Superman having a large cod piece when Superman Returns came out, and apparently it was digitall modified to be less noticable.  Well, I think they need to do that here too, folks. 

So then I thought about a book I read back in the day (which inspired my comic G-Man: The Defender of Food) called "How to Be a Superhero" by Mark Leigh and Mike Lepine.  You can't find this book anymore, except for maybe on amazon.com for $50 used.  It's a hilarious book, and it kept making references to the fact that superheroes are jealous of other superheroes with amazing stretching powers (ie: Mr. Fantastic).  This is a penis joke, for those of you who are not with me so far.

Hence, I decided to make a penis joke too. 

In any case, I hope you enjoy my very rushed comic this week, and I think next week's will be better.  Keep coming back every Friday for more @$$hole!


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