Since I have tomorrow off, and probably won't go anywhere near the internet (thanks to having an extra-ciricular workload that is a little overwhelming, but not unrealistic), so I've opted to post the images for @$$hole #13 early for everyone. The official page will not go up until 3am tonight, however, so if you click the link to it, you won't get anywhere.

Finishing off the battle against the girl from the Ring, I had to give her
a name. Since I didn't feel like getting into a legal battle (especially an international legal battle) if I ever got around to selling these stories, I decided that the best way to end it was to give her a name. I've always thought it strange that they changed the character's name in the American release, since I've seen Sadako referenced in several other Japanese media. Apparently, she's like Freddy Krugar...only more scarey, and less annoying.
The character will continue to pop up (in fact, the next several pages feature her), but her story arch is done. She'll certainly play a major role in later stories, however, as she's becoming Trevor's roommate. I have a few stand-alone strips for the next month or so, and then we'll get into the next story arch. Something a little more sophomoric, and I hope a little more funny.
I've been spending a good deal of my time lately writing The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Legend of Abraham, since my friend
Olivia has volunteered to illustrate the 25 page "missing chapter." It will fill in the gaps about what caused an entire religion to form around this little kid, and the events that lead up to his receiving the Seven Lost Keys of Abraham. I hope it's interesting for everyone, since it's a tale worth telling, and
Olivia's artwork is awesome!
In any case, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan to spend a good deal of it trying to work on a new portfolio, and not playing video games....