Here begins the first real story arch for
@$$hole, which was inspired after I watched "Ringu 2" on DVD. I thought about the comparisons between the original Japanese flick (a good movie, and definately worth watching) and the crappy American sequel (which sucked ass on so many levels as to leave one's posterior purple and blue for weeks on end). Therefore, I decided that it was high time that I duked it out with the little girl from The Ring (and ultimately, poked fun at Hollywood for being a piece of shit and producing hack stories that don't pay homage to their source material).

In the background of this page, you'll notice a bus with an advertisements of a woman lying on it. This ad exists in China, and it a picture of my ex-girlfriend's younger sister, Susie. I just want it to be known that, if I can, I'm not ashamed to promote what my friends (or ex-girlfriend's sisters) are doing. In fact, I like to think that I encourage people to do what they want to do, and have usually expected the same in return.
Unfortunately, the word balloons in this page are not positioned as well as I would have liked, and it's difficult to tell the order that was originally intended. Until I can figure out a good way to create a curved tail for a word balloon in PhotoShop, I don't have another option beyond the straight-line tail. This is my fault and failure, and I will work to correct this in the near future.
I've been widdling away lately and updating a 3-year old portfolio, so as to apply for a more creative position at my work. I hear that the creative department is under staffed right now, and would like to help out - even if it doesn't mean a full position change, or a shift to another department. I just want to get that thing updated, so I can persue more creative opportunities in the future. However, this weekend will be dedicated to @$$hole comics again so I have a good amount in queue - this will help prevent me from getting behind. After this first year, if I'm able to maintain my weekly schedule, I plan to start updating another comic on a regular basis too...and maybe, just maybe, update @$$hole twice per week.
We shall see. In the meantime, enjoy the new page, and I'll see you all next 7 days!