Friday brings us another funny page from your friendly neighborhood comic creator - ME!
@$$hole is underway, and the strips are starting to take some funny turns. Much of your feedback and e-mails have been helpful in shaping current and future pages, helping to mold my strips into humorous comics that everyone can enjoy...especially if they have a similar sense of humor to me!
This was actually one of
the first comics that I came up with, but I actually had to have several comics before it to make the joke work - as it's not possible to have fan mail when you haven't established yourself, and you don't have fans yet. Future installments of "fan mail" will actually reflect real fan mail, so feel free to send it to me via the
forums or
MySpace (e-mail not available at this time).
Updates for the website will be coming as summer gets closer. I'll have a little more time around then, and Laura will be able to help me with anything that I don't have time to do. She also said that she'd be updating my MySpace profile soon (hopefully it'll allow IE users to view my page without crashing), but not until her finals are over. In the meantime, I've been working on restoring more pages of
G-Man, and I have a big update planned for sometime in the next week or so (about 10 - 15 pages will be updated). I'm trying to finish a complete multi-part story so there's no long wait between the conclusion. Since this comic is already finished, it gets updated irregularly. I want to get all of them up so I can start making new comics with these characters, so backstory is important to what I want to do - hence, read the comics. :P
In any case, I hope you enjoy the latest @$$hole page, and I look forward to receiving your feedback and fan mail! Enjoy!