Another promotional poster for Exile 3: Serpentine that I worked on over the weekend. I like this one less than the first, because I didn't have any light source to work with. Also, this character's outfit is much more light than the previous, so it makes the same design difficult to use. However, I still think it's a neat poster and I look forward to making the next one.
Exile has always been fun for me to work on because it challenges my artistic abilities, especially when it comes to coloring. It gives me the freedom to experiment with different styles and layouts, which I couldn't necessarily get away with in my regular books. Also, it lets me introduce characters more regularly than I would in my normal books (too many characters confuses a reader, but since the Exile cycles through storylines every 30-50 pages, new characters are coming along everytime we start a new Exile story).
Again, check out the poster and leave me feedback on
the forums or on
MySpace. Later!