I mentioned back in the day that
Exile 3: Serpentine was finally coming to an end. Scott, Carl, and myself all sat down and wrote out the final pages, outlined what would happen and who would do what, and then Scott eventually posted a rudimentary script on
the forums. However, nothing's happened since.
Meanwhile, I have a few creative opportunities at work that require me to submit a portfolio, but none of my stuff is current - I've only been working on comics for the last 3 or so years. So a thought occurs to me: why not combine the ad elements that I need in a portfolio and apply my comic skills in design and illustration, and thus make a current portfolio with content that may not necessarily apply to the clients that I would be working on, but that shows off a little more range in my abilities. Hence, the poster idea was born.
This was originally going to be
a stand-alone poster, but then I got it in my head to do a short series of them with the other characters. One will feature Giddeon and The Reaper, with copy that reads "An Alliance is Forged," while the final will have Clistro and says, "A Hero Will Rise."
I'd like to rework the copy on that last one to fit the present tense, though. I have a few ideas, and a little time to put it together. Expect updates throughout the rest of the week and weekend.