I know what you're thinking: what a dated flick, and therefore a dated joke. I mean, that movie came out last year for chrissakes. Well, I still think it's funny, damnit! I mean, come on - you can't tell me that the word "super" doesn't look like an after-thought in that poster.
I was opposed to this movie from the beginning, mostly because I think Uma kind of ruined her image in my mind after making those atrocious Kill Bill movies (even if you like Tarentino, you have to admit that his blatent "theft" of classic martial arts movies was a hack move. My suspension of disbelief wasn't ready to accept that Uma could walk yet, much less wield a sword and take out a room of masked goons. And why put the order of the hits out of order? There was no startling revelation, and therefore no point in doing that). I could go on about Tarentino all day, but I'll try to restrict my comments to my comic.
In any case, I imagine that at some point this was pitched as a romantic comedy, but then they spun in superheros because the X-Men movies were racking it in - and in Hollywood, nothing gets a movie green-lit faster than bank rollers, and the possibility of profit, no matter how much the concept of the flick might suck. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this movie - I'm just making fun of Hollywood and the processes that they go through to green-light movies. If you don't know the "25-words or less" bit, then this comic might be lost on you.
Also, the transition between the exposition and punchline (which in this case is the poster title for the flick) is a little weak. However, I think that some of my later strips will be much stronger, and therefore more funny.
But what are your thoughts?