I just posted a
guest strip for Adam over at
Drastic Comics, as he's not currently able to update his strip. The guest strip appears in my "sketches" section.
I'm going to be posting Project: October very soon, probably over the weekend. I'm moving into my new apartment next week, Friday, so life's going to be a little hectic for me with updates, though. I'm not going to have internet for a few weeks, at least. I have most of it done right now, though, so I can keep it updating on a regular basis for a while.
Anyway, just wanted to post some updates. I'm going to start regular updates once I'm all moved into my new place (and I have the internet up and running). Give me to the end of November, and at least G-Man will start getting regular weekly updates...but I'll probably start doing some @$$hole. We'll see.