I've been making guest strips for my friends over at the
Digital Pimp Forums. I started with 2 for
Theater Hopper (neither went live, because they were a little controversial), and I just completed 2 for
Little Terrors (which should go live this week, pending any complications or objections to the material).
Check them out in the Sketches section. In the meantime, keep checking out my
MySpace blog for new activities in my life, while I put off doing web comics a little longer. Give me until it gets cold out, or snow hits the ground here in Michigan. Most of the Temple stuff is written, but I'm also working on a web cartoon with some club friends, and a few other side projects right now. Also trying to get @$$hole off the ground, slowly but surely.
We'll just call this my extended summer break, and I'll go "back to school" soon enough. ;)