The Legend of Abraham 23 -:-
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Site and Drunk DuckThe voting will they vote, and will Artimis's vote that Abraham has carried be the deciding ballot after this instance? This story arc is quickly finishing up, and the true tale of Abraham will be known in its entirety. Have a fun, safe, and happy Halloween, everyone!
@$$hole! #72: Vet Visit (Epilogue) -:-
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Site and Drunk DuckOriginally, the idea was going to be that Waffles would get a real cone on her head. I mean, what the hell do I know about pets and getting fixed, right? My buddy Carl's dog got fixed and they give him a cone. I figured it was a sure bet, and the name was just a hilarious concept in itself. But no, they didn't do it. So I had to make a fake cone, and you have the abomination you see here. Hopefully the joke's still funny. The surgical wound in the first panel is Waffles about a day or two after her surgery (which was, by this point, over a month ago). While she has healed completely, she still likes to play a little rough with me...but less often. This marks the final page of the photo comic story arc. I hope that you all enjoyed it, and I plan to do a few more down the road. But for now, we're going back to the illustrated pages. I have another story to tell - another birthday story, in fact. My own. :) This weekend is the last weekend that I will be accepting submissions for the Vote Trevor in '08 campaign slogans. A banner will go up soon afterwards. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far - many of the entries have been absolutely hilarious! Keep them coming, please. And see you all next week!
Movie Night #100: Dinner and a Movie Night -:-
Monday, October 27, 2008
Movie Night #100: Dinner and a Movie Night Once again proving that it doesn’t matter what you do but who you hang out with, Movie Night #100 could not have been a more enjoyable time with a closer group of friends. Despite the losses of late (consisting of both loved ones, friends, and in my case – a job), new friends and old joined together to break bread and share in conversation, great home cooked food…and a night of DVD Scene It! Testing the limits of our movie knowledge acquired over the last few years, combined with the flicks that we’ve seen (DVD Scene It always reminds me of the movies that we haven’t watched, yet still should), the teams went long into the night challenging each other and enjoying each other’s company. The food was excellent. Alison made two delicious lasagnas (one without mushrooms), Alicia and Nate brought a peanut butter cheesecake, Scott made an apple crisp, other Scott brought apples and caramel, and people brought wine and beer and good times. Mia, Erin, Kevin, and Mike were also in attendance, brought an assortment of chips and dip, and the party lasted long into the night. So thank you to all who made it (and even to those who couldn’t - we were thinking about you), and for being a part of 100 great movie nights. Here’s hoping that there’s 100 more. But even if there isn’t, it’s comforting to know that there’s such a great group of people – a great group of friends – out there in the world, with similar interests and passions to myself. Not to mention, similar tastes. So thank you everyone. Movie Night is and always has been for you.
The Legend of Abraham 22 -:-
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Site and Drunk DuckThe little kid's a little bit angry. He has both failed and succeeded at the same time in this instance. However, what will happen when he arrives at the temple of the gods? How will he be met? Find out next week....
Movie Night #99: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang -:-
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Movie Night #99: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) Director: Shane Black Cast: Robert Downy Jr, Val Kilmer, Michelle Monaghan Plot: The first blu-ray that we watched on a Movie Night. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang follows the exploits of a two-bit thief Harry Lockhart (Downy Jr) who scams his way into Hollywood as an actor that is playing the role of a private investigator. His trainer Gay Perry (Kilmer) is a homosexual that knows the town and is a smooth operator. When the two of them become mixed up in a murder scandal, it’s up to them to solve the case and save their own lives. A fun take on a buddy-cop movie, the flick pairs unlikely partners into intense and often hilarious situations and the audience is privy to their witty banter and commentary. The movie is also laden with a surprising amount of nudity – almost like the buddy cop movies of the late 80s and early 90s (like Lethal Weapon, combining comedy, action, and hilarious over-the-top exploits). Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a fun homage to movies of that era, and although it probably would never warrant a series of flicks, is an enjoyable viewing experience.
Movie Night #98: Aliens -:-
Monday, October 20, 2008
Movie Night98: Aliens (1986) Director: James Cameron Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen Plot: Lt. Ripley (Weaver) is found floating around in space after the events of the first movie – floating in space for over 50 years! Her life has ended, her flight clearance is revoked, and her family has passed on. Meanwhile, the planet where her crew first encountered the alien species has been populated by terraformers, but the Company has lost contact with them. Lt. Ripley is asked by the Company to join the Space Marines and investigate, and what they find there is an infestation of xenomorphs. The entire population of the planet has been transformed into merciless aliens, and it's up to the space marines to exterminate them. However, with so many eggs and so many aliens around, it begs the question – who's been laying all of these eggs? One of the most entertaining and ground breaking series of sci-fi horror films of all time, Aliens showcased more of what made James Cameron a great director. And creating some of the most memorable sci-fi moments of our time with a combination of Stan Winston creature effects and H.R. Gieger designs. If you haven't seen at least the first three Alien movies, then shame on you (everything after that has just gone downhill). I went out and bought the entire Alien Quadtrilogy – 9 DVDs in a set that would make any sci-fi nerd cream in their pants. Absolutely amazing, every movie has both a theatrical release and the director's cut (which is great for the first two movies, but not so great for the second two), and then a 9th DVD that talks about how this amazing set came together. Well worth whatever you can find it for, I assure you.
@$$hole! #71: Vet Visit (Part 12) -:-
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Site and Drunk DuckFor those of you who do not read my blog, I was downsized from that nice new job that I got back in July (being the new guy on campus can suck sometimes), thus confirming that this is the worst year ever. This will be the first time since I was 16 that I did not have a job. It's a little trying right now, but I'm trying to keep my head held high and find another job - hopefully one with a little more job security. If you guys know of any advertising or media planning positions in your area, please send me an e-mail or something. I'm totally willing to relocate. As for the comic page, this is the second to last page for the photo comic story. I sit here on the steps of my apartment complex club house in the middle of the night (in the freezing cold), making sure that the update goes out on time. I just finished watched the Sex in the City movie with a friend (now you know I'm in bad shape), and didn't think it was all that bad. Cliche, to be sure, but not a bad story. Alright, my hands are getting numb. Enjoy the page, and see you all Monday for Temple!
@$$hole! #70: Vet Visit (Part 11) -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckSorry for the tardy update, everyone, but I was having internet issues this past week. I wasn't able to get the comic updated on time because, even though I had a signal, I couldn't connect to the server. It was retarded. I'm sitting in my apartment clubhouse right now updating from their lobby, because the internet's still down. Arg! Anyway, this page showcases the beauty of photo comics with fake backgrounds, I think, because there are several elements that were not taken together in each of these panels. I'll see if you can figure out what belongs, and what doesn't. The "Vote for Trevor in '08" banner will be up at the end of this story arc, so there's still time to make more submissions. For the record, only two more pages for this story arc, and then I'll go back to illustrations for a while. The photo comics were tons of fun and I'll certainly be returning to them (perhaps sooner than I originally thought), but it was never my intention to turn this into a full-fledged photo comic. I hope you all have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Friday (assuming the internet's fixed).
The Legend of Abraham 21 -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckDid you see that one coming? Anyone? Although the gods are mortal, this is the first time that any of them has ever been killed. But the story's not over yet...a few more twists and turns that help to shape the world that our story takes place in (during the "present time"). Stay tuned. As for personal news, I was downsized from that nice new job that I received back in July. I guess being the new guy on campus doesn't allow for much job security, sadly. I've been hard-core job hunting ever since, but if you know of any advertising / media planning openings in your area, please contact me and let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
@$$hole! tardy -:-
Friday, October 10, 2008
Due to internet problems, Fridays @$$hole! update will be up a littler later. Sorry for the inconvenience, I swear that the page was done on time...but sadly, I didn't have any internet connection with which to upload the new page. Stupid Comcast! The goal's to have it up later tonight, or early Saturday.
The Presidential Race -:-
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The Legend of Abraham 20 -:-
Monday, October 06, 2008
My Site and Drunk DuckVeno's true motivations are finally made clear. The guy terrorizes humans because he hates them - not because he thinks himself better than them, necessarily. The guy just wants to get out of dodge and go home. Not so bad, right? Well, when your sister is holding the deciding vote in the matter, and she seems intent on staying, perhaps there's a bit of a problem. What's her bodyguard to do at this point!?! Abraham faces a tough decision - to do the impossible. Can a small boy kill a god!?! Find out next week, same Temple time, same Temple channel!
@$$hole! #69: Vet Visit (Part 10) -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckLast night was the VP debates - did you watch it? Anyone else notice that Palin didn't answer a single question? Wow. Some time ago, I ended up posting a campaign poster in this webcomic, and now I guess it's caught on: Vote for Trevor in '08! Banners for the campaign will be up soon enough, with the winner of the "name the slogan" campaign that ran for the comic. I got some great responses. There's still a little time to get in some last-minute slogan ideas. Peace!
Rock Band Night -:-
Thursday, October 02, 2008
In lieu of a movie night two weeks ago (last week, I was at Pokagon), Scott opted to host a Rock Band night. Having recently acquired Rock Band 2 for his Xbox360, Carl had downloaded a boat-load of songs and brought over all of his equipment, and we started to rock out!  And somehow, surprisingly without the influence of alcohol, Carl was able to get me on vocals! Which, thankfully Rock Band 2 has eliminated the event that happens when you suck (I call it the "boot event"), so no one has to save you when you're doing terrible. Because let me tell you, I sing about as well as Leonardo DiCrappio acts....  Erin, however, was rocking out on the guitar with her mad Rock Band skillz.  And the brother's Heinowski were rocking out for several songs, trying a few new instruments out. Overall, a great fun time and I look forward to the next one sometime soon (hint hint, Scott and Carl). It was great to see some of the familiar college faces at this party, too (which, sadly, I didn't take pictures of). It was kind of like an Eldridge / Fox reunion! Pizza and snacks were certainly available (Carl had a life-time supply of Zours to share), and the night was good fun!
Vote for Trevor in '08 -:-
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Some time ago, I ended up losting a campaign poster in my webcomic, and now I guess it's caught on. Vote for Trevor in '08Banners for the campaign will be up soon enough, with the winner of the "name the slogan" campaign that ran for the comic. I got some great responses. There's still a little time to get in some last-minute slogan ideas. Peace!
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