Temple Fan Art Friday - Sketch of Cover Concept Art -:-
Friday, March 28, 2008
To give a little more insight into the deluded mind that is, well - mine - here is some of the initial sketch work that I did for the various covers that have appeared (and will yet appear) for this story arc. Some of them have changed drastically, some of them have been discarded, and some of them will remain the same. Sounds like the end of this story, actually. ;) Originally, I wanted to have a cover feature a different character (5 main characters, and then some villains), but along the way I decided to scrap that idea. In truth, some of the characters would get their own covers during the prequels - and some of the characters I just plain couldn't come up with an interesting cover design for. Which do you like / not care for? ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Sketch of cover concepts
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p21 -:-
Ah, another life ruined, another store destroyed. A job well done, let's move on. Also, I think her career in that store is finished after today.... ;) My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter 6.3 -:-
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Here's the summary of the attack on the village that the group was going to. This was kind of a cop-out, and if I could redo it I would. Originally, the fight with the beady eyed man (Kidjo) was going to take place as it was, and he was going to kill Seymour (who, when I originally wrote the character, was an arch-rival of Seymour) by punching his fist through Seymour and into a tree. Julian was then going to have his head removed by being kicked. The fight against him was going to last longer, and he was going to reveal that the swordsman's family killer was in the next town, and the group was going to go there to save it. It is at this time that the swordsman was going to square off with the guy that killed his family, and from him they would learn about Cardinal Milikin being the evil mastermind behind it all. That was going to lead into the last chapter where they break into the Holy Order of Abraham to kill the Cardinal. However, I edited it all down and cut out stuff that I now regret having removed. If only I could go back in time and change it all.... Have you guys ever written something and wanted to change it afterwards, but it was too late? Talk about it. :) Chapter 6.3
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p20 -:-
Ah, I remember my first time...well, not really. I was trying to compare her first chocolate experience to sex - only once she's had it, it was so good that she just had to find it wherever she could. She's become a "chocolate-maniac" (like a nympho-maniac), she's crazy about chocolate. She craves it - thirsts for it! She can't live without it! What could this mean for her future in this store? My Site and Drunk Duck
Movie Night 82: Laura's 21st Birthday Party! -:-
We didn't watch a flick, but instead celebrated Laura's 21st Birthday this week. Although the weather was less than cooperative, Laura and I made our way downtown Ann Arbor for a few drinks at Cafe Felix, followed up by some shots at Connor O'Neils with her sisters. Afterwards, we all gathered at Mongolian BBQ for some dinner. Friends joined in the fun. After food, we (very slowly, because of the 9" of snow) made our way back to my apartment for more drinks, shots, Drunken Guitar Hero, Apples to Apples, and gift exchange. Some people stayed the night (I wasn't going to make anyone drive home in that weather), and everyone seemed to have a good time. To answer your question, no - Laura was not hung over in the morning. However, she got so drunk during the night that she kept trying to cuddle up to me and sleep on the floor while I was watching people play video games. She's so cute when she's drunk. If I get the chance, I'll try to post the few pictures that Jo took during the night.
Temple Chapter 6.2 -:-
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Here he is, in all of his 4-year old glory. This is a very old sketch, the first of them all - what started the series, if you will. Originally I wanted a swordsman character that wore pretty much what I wear - just some dark cargo pants and a plain shirt. I figured that putting him in an outfit like one found in Final Fantasy or something may separate the reader from this character - and he was going to be pretty extreme to begin with. This is the last of the original character sketches, so anything else from me is going to be new. I hope you've enjoyed! ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Sketch of the SwordsmanIn the final chapter, I was trying to bring home what it actually means to be a samurai. I had read books, watched movies (a lot of movies), and tried to convey what it meant in this page here. The quotes are a little off from their source material, but here are the actual quotes from the Hagakuri: "It is said that even after one's head has been cut off, he can still perform some function." "In the words of the ancients, one should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths.... It is a matter of determination and having the spirit to break right through to the other side." Chapter 6.2
@$$hole! Laura's Birthday p18-19 -:-
Alright, last week we entered "Chocolate," which is a store that sells, well...chocolate. The skinny girl who works there apparently has never had chocolate before. She's not diabetic, she's just never "experienced" the exstacy of putting that milk-chocolately goodness into your mouth. I'm also a fan of dark and white chocolate (although Laura hates white chocolate. To this day, I have yet to figure out if she doesn't like the taste, or she's just very opposed to the name of it because it's not made from cocoa). This story sells everything, and would be a very brown toned store were it in color. Perhaps we'll come back and play here again sometime once the color pages resume, after this story is finished.
My Site and Drunk Duck My Site and Drunk Duck
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p17 -:-
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ah the surfer kiosk employee. Someone had previously mentioned that one of the reasons Trevor may not like the mall is because of the "Sprint Employees" trying to sell cell phones in the isle. These are called kiosk employees, and yes, I hate them. However, they sell more than just cell phones, so we may see a few incarnations of these guys before the story is finished. In the meantime, Susie's trying to deck herself out in what I like to think of as "expensive shiny plastic." Anyone here work in a mall before as a past job? Anyone here ever work retail before? (I have...for over 9 years!)
Temple Chapter 6.1 -:-
The start of a new chapter and the end of a story arc. This one's going out with a bang, as I pulled out all the stops and have added shading to the characters. I'm not sure if I'll ever do it to future pages or not (not because I don't like the way it looks, but because it's time consuming - it's like adding color to the pages, only it's still gray scale). Honestly, I look the black and white look. I mean, the story was inspired by classic Akira Kurosawa samurai films. Anyway, let me know what you think. Chapter 6.1
Movie Night 81: The Fifth Element -:-
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
 Movie Night 81: The Fifth Element (1997) Director: Luc Besson Cast: Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Milla Jovovich, Ian Holm, Chris Tucker Plot: Every 5,000 years a great evil returns to try to wipe out all of the forces of light. The only weapon that is capable of stopping the evil is the 4 elements of Earth, gathered around a 5th supreme being. However, the elements were taken away because a war was brewing in the galaxy, and have yet to be returned. Now, the evil is forming once again, and it's a race against time to get the 4 elements back to Earth, and safeguard the 5th Element!
The editing in this movie is simply brilliant (although many people found it off-putting). The fact of the matter is that this is a French production with an American cast. The outfits, the production design, the music - everything was done by French people. Because of that, many American viewers found the flick hokey and too cartoonish for their tastes. I found the movie absolutely excellent, and have bought it twice on DVD since seeing it in theaters. This flick was totally ahead of it's time, filled to the brim with a wit and charm unlike any other films out there of the genre. If you like sci-fi, you have to see this movie!
Movie Night 80: X-Men -:-
 Movie Night 80: X-Men (2000) Director: Bryan Singer Cast: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewert, Ian McKellen, James Marsden, Femke Janssen, Anna Pacquin Plot: People with powers (mutants) have started to spring up, as the latest evolution of mankind, and this of course terrifies the humans. To perpetuate the transition from man to mutant being the dominant species on the planet, Magneto (McKellen) has developed a plan which has started to result in human deaths. He's beginning a war that some would like to see prevented. Enter Professor X (Stewert) and his elite group of mutants, the X-Men. They are trying to prevent Magneto's plans, which seem to involve a new mutant on the scene - Wolverine!
I remember having just graduated from high school when this flick came out, and I must have seen it 2-3 times in the theaters! It was one of the greatest things I had seen at the time, and still holds up very well to this day. I know that they're making a Wolverine movie, as well as a Magneto flick - both are rumored to be prequels. It'll be interesting if they have any more spin-offs from this series, now that Marvel has started up their own production company and now have full creative control over their properties. Hopefully they won't repeat the mistakes of X-Men 3....
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p16 -:-
Not 5 minutes in the mall, and all of a sudden there's a 12 year old propositioning for sex. Such is life, I guess. I don't know if malls actually have a locker system or anything, but I didn't want the characters to keep their coats for the entire story and I certainly didn't want to draw them holding their coats, so I decided to ditch them on this page here. Makes my job easier. Laura's actual birthday is looming on the horizon, and I'll be sure to make a special announcement when that day is (because the comic won't be done by that time quite yet). :P My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter 5.15 -:-
The final page in this chapter. The swordsman has a purpose, a direction, and the motivation to follow through. For the first time in over 2 years, he's ready to end it. He's bringing the fight to the people who need it. This chapter saw the death of a major character. The final chapter will see the death of at least two more. From the Hagakure: "Concerning martial valor, merit lies more in dying for one's master than in striking down the enemy. This can be understood from the devotion of Sato Tsugunobu."
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p14-15 -:-
Friday, March 14, 2008
Finally past the pedophile hobo, and now on to the real danger: the mall itself! I really started to like this hobo character as I wrote more with him, and he demanded more time in the comic than I had originally anticipated. So much so that I may try to find a way to keep him in the comic with some periodic appearances. What did you guys think of him? My Site and Drunk DuckBig dramatic pause... "We're here..." Dun dun DUN! ;P My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter -:-
This is probably one of my favorite pages in this chapter, because it's satisfying. The swordsman has finally been able to strike back at someone who has wronged him. He's finally back on his path towards completing his master's dying order. I think it would be safe to say that this is the first page where our swordsman has finally started to act like a samurai. From the Hagakure: "Master Ittei said, 'If one were to say what it is to do good, in a single word it would be to endure suffering. Not enduring is bad without exception.'" Chapter 5.14Lord Malukai, the mortal enemy to the swordsman and murderer of his family. He was originally designed to resemble a shogun, but I wanted to make him a little more flashy (and put him in something a little more comic-friendly). He will also have a prequel story told about him, but I haven't written down all of the details on it yet - so it's a little ways off yet. ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D
Temple Chapter 5.13 -:-
Monday, March 10, 2008
Here's another little tease about events that will be revealed in Bushido. I had wanted to create a parallel between Shiri's story and the swordsman's own traumatic past. Especially since he identifies with her so closely. From the Hagakure: "When I was young, I kept a 'Diary of Regret' and tried to record my mistakes day by day, but there was never a day when I didn't have twenty of thirty entries. As there was no end to it, I gave up. Even today, when I think about the day's affairs after going to bed, there is never a day when I do not make some blunder in speaking or in some activity. Living without mistakes is truly impossible. But this is something that people who live by cleverness have no inclination to think about." Chapter 5.13
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p13 -:-
One of the reasons that Trevor dreads to come to the mall is one of the reasons that this guy hangs out there. That's right, 12 year olds. What's the deal with that, I wonder? Well, you'll find out as the story progresses.... ...also, Susie kind of said it on the last page. ;) My Site and Drunk Duck
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p11-12 -:-
Friday, March 07, 2008
Trevor has no desire to get out of the car, and I don't blame him. I'm no fan of the mall either. Obviously, his problems with the mall are a little more seriuous (and hopefully, more comical) than my own. Also, have you ever just had one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything? Maybe it's after a big project or assignment was due, and you spent months and months working on it, and now that it's done you're just filled with apathy. You want to do something, but you don't want to go anywhere, you don't feel like doing anything? I have that feeling lately...I feel lazy. I need a nice kick in the bum to get me going again. My Site and Drunk DuckHee hee hee, the hobo. I didn't really know what to do with this character for the longest time. I thought about it and thought about it and was like, "How can I make a homeless guy funny?" Then it hit me...and it will be revealed on the next two pages! :D I started to enjoy drawing this character a lot, and I've been thinking of ways to get him into the regular pages. He's got a very unique look to him, I think. Like a taller version of one of the Seven Drawfs...only stoned. In any case, if you see him again down the road, don't be surprised. :P
Temple Chapter 5.12 -:-
Oh snap, that looks like a pretty serious blow. Although the impact of the, well...impact...does not seem so dramatic or intense, let me remind you that this dude totally just tossed Shiri into the woods. He has some power in his strike, and Julian is kind of an old guy, and not exactly battle-hardened. To be honest, I wrote his character originally for two reasons: 1) To create Shiri 2) To die Have you ever written a character who's sole purpose was to die? I know writers do it all the time. I remember back in the day before Marvel was doing the Age of Apocalypse series, when Joe Mad had just joined their ranks. He was tasked with creating a character, Blink, who's whole purpose was to be killed in that issue. When AoA started up and Joe was given a little more creative freedom, he brought her back - and the fan response was so positive that Marvel brought her back to life in The Exiles. Temple will not see people spontaneously coming back from the dead, but just because they're dead doesn't mean that they're out of the story..... Also, when I was earlier referencing my weaker pages within this chapter, I was specifically referring to this one. Sorry. Chapter 5.12Here is the leader of the Holy Order of Abraham, and one of the most vile villains that I have ever written before. He's not a very multi-dimensional character, but has motivations set upon his single goal. He'll make his appearance in Chapter 6: The Way of the Samurai. ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Sketch of Cardinal Milikin
A Sad Day.... -:-
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
For those of you who didn't know, possibly the greatest creative mind of our time passed away yesterday, March 4. This is a man responsible for an entire generation of nerds spending time in their parents basement instead of going out to meet girls. People who consumed mass quanitities of pizza and Mountain Dew and stayed up until 5am or later throwing dice and arguing about character actions based on allignment (myself proudly included among them). Imagine a time pre-internet where the only thing to do was table-top gaming.
This man inspired an entire genre of gaming, and set the standard for countless spin-offs and entire series of multi-media (we're talking billions and billions of dollars in industry) that all spawned from a franchise that he no doubt came up with while, well...sitting in his parents basement. His passing marks a sad day indeed, especially for those among us who consider themselves a member of the table-top gaming community (and fans of RPG games in general). Without the ideas that spewed forth from this mans mind, our world would be a very different place today.
Penny-Arcade said it best:
 For all of us who get this, I will set aside my lucky 20-sided in your name, sir. May your adventures continue far into the afterlife and beyond.
Interesting Questions -:-
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Someone over at Drunk Duck recently asked me about inspirations for my comics. Where did I get them? What inspired me to write them? Here was my answer: The Temple of a Thousand Tears is based on a number of influences, including but not limited to: 1) the events of 9-11, specifically the mistreatment and outrage of Americans towards the Muslim community, 2) my observations about religion and religious people throughout the years, 3) inner frustrations over events in my life at the time, such as the death of family members and substance abuse problems among memebers of my family, 4) and the song "Image" from the video game Xenosaga 2. Essentially, I needed a forum through which to vent my frustrations and feelings through, and characters to preach my view but also to counter-point my view, so people who disagreed could see both sides of the arguement. Thus, when dividing up my feelings on certain matters, patterns started to reoccur - and those view points turned into characters, personalities, and beliefs. Essentially, the swordsman is the character through which most of my frustrations are vented through - in the form of a murdered family. He's the black sheep of the group, fighting against the machine not because he hates it, but because of what it's done to him. The other characters are achieving enlightenment throughout the events of the story, realizing that there may be more than one way to go in life. A way different from their own. @$$hole! was inspired by me wanting to rant about current events, pop culture references, and wanting to put someone who looked like myself into a comic (a tall, skinny, bald guy). I didn't know what the heck to do beyond that, until I watched Ringu and The Ring 2 back to back and said, "These movies are nothing alike, and the American one sucked. What if that character was in my comic? What if she was my roommate? The ultimate bad roommate!" And the modern story of @$$hole! was forged from there. Basically, both of my comics were birthed from my need / desire to rant and vent. ;) How about you? T
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p -:-
Monday, March 03, 2008
I'll tease a bit more about the 12 year olds here, and a bit further on, but you'll totally get why Trevor hates them before the end of the story (as much as I like to tease and foreshadow, I like to think that I wrap everything up in a nice bow at the end). My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter 5.11 -:-
This marks the first time any villain has been able to lay a hand on the swordsman (and also the first of the weak pages within this chapter). I've been receiving some user comments and PQs about the swordsman, and about how he's not their favorite character but the one we've learned the most about. I apologize for this, as it was intentional. The swordsman was never designed to be a character that readers would identify with - but he has the most interesting history of the bunch, or so has been revealed. He's really coming in at the end of this groups story. It wasn't really an original intention to ever reveal any of their backstories, because I was never sure if I would continue with it beyond this first story arc. However, as I kept writing the thing, I started to give them each their own unique history. As people started reading it, they wanted - and in some instances, demanded - that I tell them more. The story has a lot of loose ends by the last page, as it was really just a roller-coaster snap-shot into a few days where these two separate stories crossed and finished. The swordsman isn't written to be a likable character. He's an asshole. I know it, you know it. Heck, even these characters know it - they just try to give him the benefit of the doubt, because they just met the guy. Anyway, someone dies within the next few pages...any ideas as to who that may be? Chapter 5.11
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