Hikari 42 -:-
Monday, August 31, 2009
My SiteVOTE!It may have been difficult to see in the artwork, but the script said to show that the car was full of explosives. Hence the boom. Sophia's assault has begun, and she's managed to effectively make it inside the courtyard of the Holy Order Temple. Armed to the teeth, it looks like her plan is a one-woman suicide mission to get in and kill Cardinal Milikin. This sequence went through the most revisions of any in this story, mostly because I wanted to introduce a few new elements into the story - but I figure it would raise too many questions about how the swordsman and company got into the Order Temple in the original story (which also underwent a lot of revisions, and was eventually omitted completely). Perhaps a flashback will occur in the Holy Order sequel.... Olivia and I have started talking about the next story, which takes place during and directly after this story. So it should help in the chronology a bit. After that will be the remaining Sophia stories all rolled into one (including the Bushido prequel that I had been talking about a while ago, which has now been baked into the Sophia story), and then we'll finish this bad boy off with the sequel. Don't fret, though. At the rate we're going currently, this comic is going to be around for at least another year or so.... ;) Labels: samurai, sci-fi, temple, the temple of a thousand tears
@$$hole!: Blind Date 12 -:-
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Site and Drunk DuckVOTE!And here's where the waiter's true colors start to shine. He's hinted twice now to find out if Trevor and the Cat Lady are married, and Trevor says that they're not even together (this is a first blind date, which is hardly a date even in the real world). Instantly, the waiter is back over to the cat lady - and with his arm around her, to boot! I was going to try to have more of a seduction conversation in here, where the waiter was saying sweet nothings in Trevor's ear...but writing from the hip as I've been doing with this story, I just couldn't come up with anything in the limited space and time. Anyway, I'm off for the weekend. Need to get stuff done that I've been neglecting (like laundry...and drinking). Have a good one! Labels: blind date, blind dating, comic books, comics, dating, online dating, photo comic, web comics
Movie Review: District 9 -:-
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Movie Review: District 9 (2009)Director: Neill Blomkamp Cast: Sharlto Copley Plot: Chances are you've heard of this movie, or even more than likely seen it, so I apologize in advance for the lateness of this review. I had been eagerly awaiting this flick ever since I first saw a trailer for it. I went and found the short film that it was based on. I even re-watched all of the Halo movie footage that the director did as a test to showcase how he would shoot the movie (which has yet to be green-lit). I was so thirsty for this flick that, for some strange reason, I decided to hold off on quenching my need to see it. What a mistake. I should've been in a chair for a midnight showing with anyone and everyone who was willing to come with, and we could've basked in it's glory together...and then talked at length about the incredible subtext and messaging that litter this movie. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself here.... District 9 is a movie shot somewhat documentary style (for about the first third of the flick) about an alien space craft that arrived on earth 28 years ago over Johannesburg in South Africa. The reason for their arrival is never really explained, but we humans come in and take them off their ship and force them to live in slum-like conditions on the ground. An organization called Multi-National United (MNU) is formed to police the aliens (the slur that they use for them in the movie is "prawns"), and the flick takes place during a relocation / eviction effort to get the aliens further away from people in the city. Unfortunately you kind of have to have seen the trailer to understand why this is going on (although they very briefly touch on it in the flick), but ultimately the humans want to use the alien technology (specifically, their weapons), but the technology only works with the alien biology. Enter Wikus Van De Merwe (Copley), the agent put in charge of the eviction. While searching a slum house "owned" by a prawn named Christopher Johnson, he discovers a cylinder that sprays him with a strange liquid, and he starts to get really sick. And it turns out that the liquid in the canister is starting to change his DNA. He's becoming an alien! Of course, this means that the humans want to slice and dice him up and figure out how to replicate it, so they can use the technology. Of course, he escapes and goes to live in District 9 where he runs into Christopher again, and the purpose behind the liquid is revealed. What follows is one of the most intense and awesome third acts that I have seen in ages, chop-full of all the kind of sci-fi action that you would expect from an R-rated foray into the depths of the human condition. And as a good sci-fi should, the movie is littered with moral subtext commenting on the world we live in today, and the situations going on over in Africa especially. But even if you don't dive that deeply into it, you can still enjoy the awesome that is this movie. When my brother and I went to go see this movie at the local theater, we accidentally walked into the wrong theater. As the opening credits for "Inglorious Basterds" started, a look of horror and disgust flashed across my face. In case you didn't know, I'm not a fan of Tarentino movies. My brother's face said something more like, "I could watch this," but I was not going to have it. I had been waiting too long to see this movie - telling myself that I was waiting because I feared a negative theatrical experience like I had with Watchmen. [Remember everyone, the movie theater is not your damn living room] Thankfully, the crowd was light and we were able to separate ourselves from the bulk of the people. The flick was everything that I thought it would be and more - and it's certainly something that I'm going to buy on DVD, if for no other reason than to check out the special features and commentaries. If you enjoy good sci-fi, action movies, flicks with people and stuff blowing up all around, or just want to see something done in a very unique way, be sure to watch this movie! Labels: district 9, movie review, sci-fi
@$$hole!: Blind Date 11 -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckVOTE!Oh yes...I went there. ;) Writing this comic without the benefit of a script, outline, or beat sheet has been fun...but I fear that I may drag it on too long. Originally, I just wanted to get 12 pages out of this story. But I'm already on page 11, and they haven't even ordered food yet! This story may become my big summer blockbuster story arc, and then I'll save the nude beach and / or the next birthday story for later. I would like to get back into the illustrated stories, since I have some good ones to tell there. Do you think a back and forth between illustrated and photo would be confusing / frustrating, or would you enjoy something like that? Or, if you had to chose between one format over the other, which would you chose? Labels: blind date, blind dating, comic books, comics, photo comic, web comics
Hikari 41 -:-
Monday, August 24, 2009
My SiteI was working on the text and effects for this page all weekend (on top of several other projects), and just have not received enough sleep because of it. However, Sophia is certainly starting her assault on the Temple. Soon we'll find out if her plan works or not. We're coming up on the end of this story, so it's an exciting time. No new news to report today. Check back tomorrow for some reviews and stuff. I need to crash.
@$$hole!: Blind Date 10 -:-
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Site  Oh man, what a week. I'm so exhausted at the moment, and I have so much left to do yet. Granted the book's done, and I'll hopefully have that back in early to mid September, but I've replaced it with other projects and scripts in the pipeline. Exciting stuff that I'm looking forward to promoting more later, as they become more tangible. So here we find out what the waiter has been doing all this time...and it's not "excellent service." Have a good weekend, everyone!
@$$hole!: Blind Date 9 -:-
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Site  Sorry it's a little behind schedule. Everything was done, but I was so caught up in other things last night that I forgot to post it. Alan Evans and I are attending Mid-Ohio con now in early October in Columbus, and last night was a scramble to organize everything and for me to figure out if I can order additional copies of the book before then. So life's a bit of a scramble at the moment. If you missed my blog posting for Wizard World Chicago, be sure to check it out on my homepage. Well, back to writing scripts! Also, don't forget to visit Erica's website, since she took these awesome photos! Labels: blind date, blind dating, chicago comic con, comic books, comics, dating, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, online dating, photo comic, photography, web comics, writing
Hikari 40 -:-
Monday, August 17, 2009
My Site and Drunk Duck"That's not my name." I love that line from Xen. It's hilarious to me, because it could be that he's dodging whomever's looking for him, or it could just be that no one's pronouncing his name correctly. Or both! Xen's a fun character, and he'll no doubt be making a return appearance somewhere down the road. This story is quickly wrapping up. Only about 10-12 more pages left to go, and then we move onto the next story. "What is that story," you ask? Well, I'm not entirely sure just yet. Trying to figure out if I want to tell another prequel, or move on to the final chapter: Holy War. Temple has a finite ending, and I'm looking forward to telling that story. But I don't know if we're quite there yet. There're a lot of holes to fill between now and then. So I'll pose the question to you: would you prefer to see another prequel or two, or just jump into the ending? Also, out of curiosity, who's everyone's favorite Temple character? Labels: comic books, comics, samurai, sci-fi, temple, the temple of a thousand tears, web comics
@$$hole!: Blind Date 8 -:-
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Site and Drunk Duck  Again with the teasing about why her and her cat (which we now know is named Ginger) are no longer together. So the question still lingers about what happened between them, and whatever happened to that littler of kittens she gave birth to back in the Vet Visit story arc. Be sure to vote for @$$hole! on Top Web Comics. Incentives will be forthcoming, once the book is done (this weekend is the goal). Possibly unused pictures from the photo comic adventures....? ;) I'm off to finish up my to-do list. See you next week!
Wizard World Chicago (Chicago Comic Con) 2009 -:-
Thursday, August 13, 2009
First off, let me say that Wizard World Chicago (now called Chicago Comic Con, ever since Reed stepped in with C2E2 and all of the publisher's announced their support of the new convention. We won't go into the politics or backstory on any of that here) was the first large comic con that I ever attended, and will always hold a special place in my heart because of it. I've met some of my closest professional friends there (Josh, Russell, Dirk, Mike, Taki, David, and many more) and it was the first time that I ever physically met my online webcomic friends (Joe, Irv, Phil, Tom, Zach, Gordon, DJ, and too many more to list). It's where I met Mike Turner, and where I first received professional feedback from an idol. I have some of the most hilarious, embarrassing, and saddest stories to tell from this convention over the few years that I've been attending. This year was no different. That said, I want to apologize in advance for the fact that I never took out my camera, and therefore only have one stock photo that Russell took in the hotel. Bear with me. DAY 1: THURSDAY After counting down the seconds at work, I jumped on the El back to the apartment to make sure the cat had food for the weekend, water my dying plants, and grab my bag. An hour of public transportation later allowed me to arrive at Rosemont, where the convention center is located. I walked in and grabbed my badge (this year it was wrist bands, which didn't sit well with anyone), and a quick walk to the hotel lead to me meeting up with my roommates (Steve and Scott, Russell would join us the next day) to grab my keycard, and then we headed over to Ginos with the Digital Pimps (Joe, Irv, and Phil) to grab some Chicago-style pizza. The Pimps were exhausted from their 14+ hour drive from New York, as well as having attended Conneticon the previous weekend. Needless to say, bed came early. This year we stayed at the Embassy Suites, which isn't connected to the convention center but does house convention center parking. And if you stay at the Embassy, they give you a discount on that parking. There are also numerous other perks with staying at the Embassy for this show, even if it does cost a little more than some of the other hotels in the area. The pull-out couch was well used, as the beds were not queen-sized as we were lead to believe, but were instead doubles. You have to be very comfortable with yourself - and your bunk-mate - when two grown men sleep that close to each other. Thankfully, it doesn't phase me. ;) DAY 2: FRIDAYGot up for breakfast at the Embassy, and I remembered all of the old jokes from college about liquid eggs playing all kinds of havoc with one's digestive system. However, I'll never complain about "free food," and it was certainly better than just having cereal like we typically do. Afterwards, we checked Russell into the hotel and everyone went out to the con floor. The convention boasted the largest dealer floor in the country - and I'll agree with that. The gap from most of the publishers (and many of the toy manufacturers and video game developers) was replaced with actors from various television and movie series. While Twilight holds no interest for me, I did enjoy meeting Edward James Olmos (Battlestar Galactica). The first place I went after entering the floor, though, was the Aspen booth. Frank, Vince, and J.T. were all there in good spirits, and it was great to catch up with them again. Frank and I caught up and talked about movies (the crew had gone out to see the GI Joe movie the previous night), Vince and I talked about his Soulfire: Shadow Magic series (which I very much enjoyed, loved the marriage between origin story and the personal tone that it took), and JT and I talked about writing and some of his new projects. I made a stop next at the ACEN booth, since ACEN was holding after hours programming for the convention (called "ACEN Aftershocks"). Brianne was dressed as a character, and several of the other volunteers were also dressed up as characters from various series. Anime fans have always interested me because of their dedication to their favorite series. I admit to geeking out about my favorite series (I admit to having goosebumps when a Robotech ad appeared on my website), but I've never felt the desire to dress up as a character for a convention. However, I do enjoy seeing other people do it - and some do it very very well! I made my way over to artist's alley and started to make the rounds, looking for friends and familiar faces, and anything that caught my eye. The DP crowd was there with Tom and Zach from Theater Hopper and Joe and Monkey, respectively. I ran into my old high school friend Katie Cook, as well as some of my friends from Drunk Duck like Alan Evans. Then I went and saw some of the superstars around the floor, including Talent Caldwell, Frances Manapul, Billy Tan (always good catching up with Billy), Tom Ngyuyen (Ghostbusters) and even my comics hero James O'Barr. I even met a few new friends, including Justin Bleep (SuperHuman Resources), Christopher Mitten (Wasteland), John Bivens (ComicBook Tattoo), and Bryan Glass (Mice Templar). Great people all, and tons of fun to hang out with them. People I am glad to call new friends. Lunch followed, where we broke into the sandwich stuff that I brought. Steve provided beverages, and Russell brought the snacks. Going back to the con floor was another chance to see what was out there, buy some stuff and make another round of conversation with new friends. I admit that the lack of human traffic (after all of the rumors that had been circulating about this convention) had me a little worried for the turn out for Saturday, the biggest day at cons. For dinner we split up, some people going to see GI Joe (Scott, Steve, and the DP guys), and some of us going to the Ram (Paul Storrie, John Bivens and his girlfriend, Russell Lissau, and myself). The Ram is this awesome burger bar not too far from the con. Walkable, yes, but thankfully we were able to drive there. An evening of great conversation and laughs. After The Ram, I went to the Hyatt bar to mingle. I had the pleasure of meeting Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets) and his wife, Jill Thompson (Magical Trixie), who I had met previously. Jon Jordan (Crime Spree Magazine) was another person that I met, having sponsored some of the panels that Brian was on at the convention. Great guy, and a great publication. As the evening was winding down, I walked Jill back to her car and talked about our cats. Then I went to bed. DAY 3: SATURDAYGot up early for breakfast with Russell, and we were join by Paul, Tom, and several others. Eventually Scott got up to join us, and then Steve filtered in shortly after. Josh Elder (Mail Order Ninja, Starcraft) showed up eventually, and we all went over to the con. Some people attended programming, but I mostly walked around the floor and mingled. I sat with Alan and talked about some pointers for selling his brand new graphic novel Rival Angels (a kick ass book, be sure to read it), as well as some booth etiquette that I've picked up over the last few years. I'm in no way an expert, mind you, but I've made enough friends who were kind enough to give me pointers, and I was just passing the buck as it were. During my short time there, I personally sold a percentage of his books for the day - sometimes I think that fans can be more excited about the material than the creators. The con floor was PACKED, and while a number of the people attending were there for the actors, a lot of that traffic filtered into the artist's alley area. Our fears about the con being a failure were alleviated. The people had still come out to have a good time. I skipped lunch and around the time that dinner rolled around, we decided to go back to The Ram. This time it was Scott, Steve, John and his girlfriend, Russell, and myself. In the background I saw Peter Steigerwald chatting it up, but wanted to give him his space. I'd said hi to him briefly on the floor earlier in the day, and during the Aspen panel. Great guy, love his coloring work. But he was out with some friends. After dinner, I had to crash and take a nap. I had been exhausted from the day on the floor, and my energy had been low all weekend. An hour long nap wasn't long enough, but it was 10pm and everyone had left for the bar without me. I arrived at the bar and said hello to my web comic friends, and then made a few rounds to see who all was there, eventually settling down at a table with Russell, Bryan, Paul, and a few other comic creators. Bryan had come back form the bathroom saying that two guys sitting across the bar had been placing bets with each other over who could get the girl at their table in bed. One guy was wearing a Superman t-shirt, the other had piercings peppering his face. The girl had some pretty tattoos painting her arms. This was the source of much entertainment for the evening, as we soon discovered that several other tables around the bar were also watching the events unfold. "How can we mess this up," we asked ourselves collectively? We decided to buy the girl drinks and send them with anonymous notes on napkins. Eventually I got up to walk around again, and ran into some people at the bar who were attending a wedding in the Hyatt hotel. One very drunk girl started hitting on me (and I believe her boyfriend was right behind her), asking me if I was famous or could point out anyone famous. In truth, I could've pointed out about 13 famous people right next to her, but I wanted to save them the hassle of being harassed by an intoxicated girl all night. They'd worked all day at the convention, and just wanted to relax and have a drink with their friends or fans. No one wants someone who doesn't know anything about comics coming up and trying to bug them all night - especially someone as drunk as this girl was. Eventually, she excused herself and I went back to the table with Russell. The table with the two guys had grown even more fascinating, as another couple had shown up. One of the guys left (Superman), but would then return much later. This continued throughout our goofy storytelling and hilarious con horror tails, until finally the table we were watching emptied out. Piercings and the girl went to a booth, so the night was not yet done. Much later than I had originally planned, we finally got up and left the bar. Standing near the escalators, our conversations continued until Piercings and the girl started to exit, his arm around her. We all clapped as loud as we could - but alas, they were clueless as to the nature of the clapping. Walking back to the hotel, it was pointed out that this may be our last time walking from the convention center to our cars (or hotel rooms) at a Wizard World convention. DAY 4: SUNDAYA later morning than others, I got up for breakfast again and sat with Russell. We reminisced about the previous nights jokes and stories, and then went to pack and headed out to the con floor. I basically went down to say my goodbyes to everyone, new and old friends, and wish them well until we next got together. This progress, of course, takes hours. Not because I have a huge number of friends to say goodbye to, but because I secretly didn't want it to end. Some of these people I only get to see once or twice a year, and the time is just too short. Eventually I made it back to the room and grabbed my bags, leaving for the train. Comic Con was certainly not dead, but it was different. And I hope that it happens again next year! Labels: ACEN, ACEN aftershocks, anime central, chicago comic con, comics, cosplay, web comics, wizard, wizard world chicago
@$$hole!: Blind Date 7 -:-
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
My Site and Drunk Duck  We got Erica to do all kinds of crazy cat-like things for this shoot, but I feel like it was a missed opportunity to just bring them to light and not ignore them during casual conversation. I think it may have made them more funny if there had been talking going on while she was "fixing her hair." Taking that into account moving forward, so no worries. Wizard World Chicago (now called Chicago Comic Con) was a blast! Despite the absence of some of the larger publishers, it was a great opportunity to mingle with your favorite creators that did attend - and even some celebrities. I'll be posting a blog on the website soon, so be sure to check it out. Speaking of the website, what do you think of that new branding design? It's not finished just yet, but we got the blog updated for WWC to match the spiffy new business cards that were printed. A special thanks goes out to Scott Heinowski for all of his hard work and dedication to that website! Also, be sure to vote for @$$hole! on Top Web Comics. Incentives will be forthcoming, once the book is done. Possibly unused pictures from the photo comic adventures....? ;)
Hikari 38 -:-
Monday, August 10, 2009
My Site and Drunk DuckIn case it wasn't obvious enough in the previous page, Selphi has passed on from her wound. Here we see Xen ("That's not my name"), the arm's dealer from earlier in the story. Looks like he somehow escaped Malukai's attack, but it doesn't sound like his business fared as well. I think it's funny that he always "knows a guy." Who are these "guys" that he keeps referring to? Well, perhaps some day we'll find out. No matter what, he's a fun character to write. Sophia sounds like she has a plan forming. I wonder what I could be....? This week I'll be attending Wizard World Chicago. I don't have a booth this year, but I'll be wondering around and shaking hands. And no doubt will be in the Hyatt bar at night, so if you stop by for a drink look for a tall bald guy with poor posture who's laughing his ass off...or lecturing on some such nonsense. ;) ### The voting for the 2009 Drunk Duck Awards ended on July 31, so thank you to everyone who voted for Temple. Nominations should be announced soon, and then comes the stressful part...waiting to find out if Temple won anything. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
@$$hole!: Blind Date 6 -:-
My Site and Drunk Duck  The waiter is played by Erica's real-life boyfriend, Mike Ambs. Mike has worked in video editing for various websites, and recently moved to the Ann Arbor area...of course, after I left the state. :P He's an awesome guy and was tons of fun to work with. Very open to my direction and ideas, and even had a slew of his own to contribute. Very creative individual, and I encourage you all to follow him on twitter. He also has a flikr account, but I can't think of the url off the top of my head. Well, I'm at Wizard World Chicago already. So if you're there (or in the area), be sure to stop by. I'm not exhibiting this year, but I'll be shaking hands and kissing babies on the floor all day, doing a few panels at night, and will certainly be in the Hyatt bar after hours for a drink. Stop by, say hello to the bald man with bad posture (me). Also, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out Erica Hampton's website, as she's the awesome person both taking the pictures and playing the Crazy Cat Loving Lady (who will have a name soon). Labels: blind date, blind dating, dating, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, online dating, web comics, writing
Vote for Comics -:-
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Temple:  @$$hole!:
Movie Review: A Perfect Getaway -:-
Movie Review: A Perfect Getaway (2009) Director: David Twohy Cast: Steve Zahn, Milla Jovovich, Timothy Olyphant, Kiele Sanchez Plot: On their honeymoon is Hawaii, two newly-weds discover that there's a killer on the island hunting newly-weds. And the killers themselves may also be newly weds. Enter three pairs of newly weds (or near newly weds): Cliff (Zahn) and Cydney (Jovovich), Nick (Olyphant) and Gina (Sanchez), and Cleo and Kale. All of them are on their way to a beach in the middle of nowhere on the island. All of them suspect each other. Paranoia ensues. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Other than the fact that I completely saw the twist coming miles before the big reveal, even after the movie has ended I'm a little confused about the "why." The motivation for the characters was never revealed. It all deals with identity theft in the highest degree, but why do it? I get that killing animals at a young age leads into serial killer behaviors later in life, but why take on other people's identity? And the guys says he's really good at it, yet we've only seen this one example - and guess what, he wasn't very good at it! Plus, there's a whole lot of confusion about the misdirection conversation to point the fingers away from the actual killers...which, why would you have that conversation when a flashback later reveals that in private you have different conversations? This is called "plot holes," and there are many. ***END SPOILERS***  The movie was an enjoyable ride that keeps poking fun at the fact that it's a movie. Breaking the fourth wall a few times was funny to someone like me, who understands three act structure and how story elements play off of each other. But the average movie-goer may not get it, and it could be frustrating for them - or boring. I do admit to waiting for this movie to start for a long time...and in the third act is when the movie gets going. In a BIG way! And it happens so fast and hard that you're barely left with time to ask the important questions that I posed above in the spoiler section, which is mostly "why" these things are happening. The end is also where most of that R-rating comes into play. Before the third act it's some language and minor nudity (you get to see a butt, and some side boob), but once the killer(s) are revealed the blood starts free-flowing and there's a lot of hand stabbing. A lot of "oh snap" moments. And even a few "hero shots." Then the ending comes out of nowhere, and it's over. It's a bit disjointed, with a flashback montage to try and explain plot holes that don't really get explained (like the SAW franchise, it tries to be witty but to anyone who knows better, it's actually very sloppy). Unfortunately, this nit-picking is going to make it sound like I didn't enjoy seeing the movie - which is not true. I enjoyed the flick from start to finish, despite the plot holes and short comings. It's very entertaining. And while it reaches at points to throw you off or make suspense where none is needed, it has a lot of fun fourth wall references and movie jargon (ie: There's a scene where Cliff and Nick are talking about Red Herrings, only Nick calls them "Red Snappers." Where a character is introduced to throw the audience off from what's really happening. And they actually call it out in the movie, because in that scene Nick is the Red Herring. It's funny to me, but may be lost on the average movie audience). I got to see this movie as a pre-screening, so the free price tag may be influencing my opinion (it was worth the price of admission), but it is a fun flick to see. Not necessary for theaters, although there are a lot of very beautiful shots of Hawaii and the landscape. Far from a "must see" movie, though.  Labels: a perfect getaway, milla jovovich, movie review, steve zahn
@$$hole!: Blind Date 5 -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckFor those of your who voted for @$$hole! in the 2009 Drunk Duck Awards, I thank you. It was a pleasant surprise to be nominated last year, so here's hoping that the 2009 nominations are announced soon. And once that happens, the dreadful waiting period to find out if you've won anything. Oh, the anticipation gets me every time!   Wizard World Chicago is this weekend, and I've been busting ass to get content finished up in time. Get that ol' buffer back. Thankfully, this story has just been flowing out of me, and there will be a lot of fun coming up in future pages. It's also running a bit longer than I originally anticipated, and I have a fear whenever that happens that people will burn out on reading it. "Get in, say it, and get out," tends to be my storytelling method, but with a comic like this I tend to like to linger a bit. It's fun. Friday is the waiter's appearance. Also, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out Erica Hampton's website, as she's the awesome person both taking the pictures and playing the Crazy Cat Loving Lady (who will have a name soon). Labels: blind date, blind dating, comics, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, online dating, photography, web comics, writing
Hikari 38 -:-
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
My Site and Drunk DuckIn case it wasn't obvious enough in the previous page, Selphi has passed on from her wound. Here we see Xen ("That's not my name"), the arm's dealer from earlier in the story. Looks like he somehow escaped Malukai's attack, but it doesn't sound like his business fared as well. I think it's funny that he always "knows a guy." Who are these "guys" that he keeps referring to? Well, perhaps some day we'll find out. No matter what, he's a fun character to write. Sophia sounds like she has a plan forming. I wonder what I could be....? This week I'll be attending Wizard World Chicago. I don't have a booth this year, but I'll be wondering around and shaking hands. And no doubt will be in the Hyatt bar at night, so if you stop by for a drink look for a tall bald guy with poor posture who's laughing his ass off...or lecturing on some such nonsense. ;) ### The voting for the 2009 Drunk Duck Awards ended on July 31, so thank you to everyone who voted for Temple. Nominations should be announced soon, and then comes the stressful part...waiting to find out if Temple won anything. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Labels: comics, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, temple, the temple of a thousand tears, web comics, writing
@$$hole!: Blind Date 4 -:-
My Site and Drunk DuckWasn't able to post last week Friday (when the comic went live) because I was sick with food poisoning. It was not fun. I couldn't even stand up at noon. Didn't go into work. Didn't do much of anything. Unfortunately, that was also the last day to vote for nominations in the 2009 Drunk Duck Awards, so here's hoping you voted for your favorites! ### Teased you with that little bit of back story there. Obviously, her kitty is no longer with her (since she misses him), but we'll get into that later. For a story that I didn't plot or script out in advance, I'm having a lot of fun with this story. Which is important, I think, to break from tradition sometimes. It's good for preventing burnout, I think. Plus, I have SO MANY PICTURES to go through for this story, the possibilities are endless. I hope you're enjoying it so far, and there're even more fun surprises down the road. Also, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out Erica Hampton's website, as she's the awesome person both taking the pictures and playing the Crazy Cat Loving Lady (who will have a name soon). Labels: blind date, comics, dating, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, online dating, web comics, writing
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