Well, I'm now officially announcing a special "top secret" project that I'm working on, currently called Project: October (because it's a project...and it's due in October).
I have no doubt mentioned this project to a few people, only 2 of which were kind enough to sit through it all the way. However, feedback was positive, and I'm going forward with it. Pending approval from the person that it's for (I'm giving away too many details already), it will probably be posted on my web site and lead right into the first few strips of @$$hole.
Also, I'm in negotiations with an artist to begin work on the Temple prequel: The Legend of Abraham. And I'm writing a web cartoon with Alex and Ben...so, I'm a busy busy beaver lately. The trouble: finding time to allow all of this GENIOUS and CREATIVITY to pour out of me on paper.
Anyway, more details about Project: October will follow shortly. That is all.